文章來源: 巴山夜貓狸2018-07-07 15:18:13

吃晚飯時,TM 告訴我, D 要與 S 和S的幾個朋友(都是女孩),去酒吧 玩. 然後sleep over. 

我和TM對D的這個朋友S 沒有好印象. 她們上高中時,S 就時常邀請D玩到很晚才回來。後來我才知道,跟她們在一起玩兒的,竟是兩個高中畢業,就出來打工的社會青年。 也不知道 S是怎麽跟他們混到一起的。


那時, D 非常叛逆。家長的話不聽,朋友一喊就走。 當時氣得我,就想撒手不管了。 讓她自生自滅吧!


時隔三年,倆人暑假。 又湊到了一起。






TMD,幾個年輕女孩兒,深更半夜到酒吧去混! 你想幹嘛啊! 招人呐? 招也別在這種地方招人啦。 深更半夜在酒吧裏鬼混的,都是些下三濫。




@D? Mom told me you are going to sleep over with S and a bouch of girls. If you are asking us. We both say NO. S is not the girl growing up with good family education. she has no rules in her family or she never listen to her parents if there is a rule. she grow up in wild.  She already gave you the bad impact in your life. We wish you realize it after 3  years. but you didn,t. 


and we know you are aldult now. we can,t control you. if you decide to go , its your choice. We can't stop you.


We hope you could listen to us, as parents, We dont want see you slip down to a wrong way. and I,d like talk with you about S. We feel more confortable if you are with E. He is from a thealth family.


Mom is scared aganst you. So I speak up. I hope you understand.


發完微信,我對TM說。 你看一下,發表一下你的意見。 別裝做沒看見。

TM說, 我不知道該說啥。


。。。。!TMD 氣死我了! 說! 你同意我!


晚上, D 和TM特意來找我談。 D 還是想要去。 說 S 不是我想象的那樣。 我說,OK, as I said, it's your choice. 但我希望,你不要在酒吧呆到,超過12點. 那是是非之地,decent people won't go there.  你看過不少 ID 電視節目吧.


D說,我會小心的.  我知道.


D 來找我談,說明她對爸爸還有 respect. 沒有爭吵,沒有紅臉. 我的話TA也聽進去了. 也就是這樣了. 比以前好多了.


半夜,D 微信, we didn't go out.