習近平、川普、加拿大小土豆 三人都關注的華為孟晚舟引渡案
文章來源: 娜仁琴2020-05-30 16:51:05

5月26號,加拿大的省級最高法院剛剛對引渡孟晚舟的案子又進行了一個新的裁決。法官認定,孟晚舟符合雙重犯罪標準,她必須接下來繼續留在加拿大等候進一步的審理。這個算是對孟晚舟的一個很沉重的打擊,因為這一裁決,意味著孟晚舟 離 被引渡到美國 又近了一步。孟晚舟的案子,能讓美國的 Trump 、加拿大的 Trudeau 和中國的最高層都關注著,這種高曝光率也算是沒誰了。那麽這個案子到底如何走下去,也確實對中美關係、中加關係,有著很多的影響。

On May 26, 2020, the Canadian judge Heather Holmes announced her ruling on the case of Huawei’s CFO Meng Wanzhou. Yeah, she ruled that fraud charges against Meng Wanzhou in the United States would constitute a crime in Canada. This ruling makes one step closer for Meng to stand trial in the U.S.. Her case has been arguably one of the highest profile cases in the world that has brought attention and comments from Trump, Trudeau and Xi Jinping. How Meng’s case evolves has huge political implications for the U.S. Canada and China. Let’s take a deeper dive on this.