姥姥手記 ·(34)童稚趣語 4
文章來源: redmaple562022-07-05 11:19:52

     現在的小雨點兒,3歲又8個月,話匣子打開,滔滔不絕,而且表情豐富,有時候還雙手一攤,聳聳肩膀,樣子可愛又逗樂!而且口頭語:"remember," “ perfect! “ 帶詢問調調的“OK?”  “ Got it ?”  都是從老師學來的吧!要求你一件事兒時,一雙小胖手抱在胸前,歪著小腦袋、眯眯眼、笑嘻嘻“Please , Please!”? 姥姥是沒能力拒絕的!

   話多,問題也多。不僅表達清楚,而且有點兒“ 矯情。”
?1.  小雨點兒在家裏上學前吃早餐,就是牛奶加cereal 或oatmeal . 到姥姥家她發現了不一樣。姥姥又是炒菜,煮蛋、熱牛奶、烤麵包……,一通忙活! 問媽媽:“why Laolao make dinner in the morning ?”  哈哈,因為太姥姥早餐要吃的豐盛些呀!

2. 學校裏照三到四歲年齡組班級的標準像。班裏有16個小朋友,再加上校長,班主任老師,老師助理6個人,拿到照片後,小雨點兒知道每一個人的名字,向奶奶一一介紹,指到Elizabeth 時說:”she is my best friend , she has a boy friend! “ 奶奶問:"  What is her boy friend name ?” “ I don’t know !”  

3. 有一天,她穿著漂亮的裙子準備上學了,對媽媽說:“I always get fancy, but not you!” 可會表揚自己了。

4. 姥姥說:“你是個大姐姐!”  她馬上說:"I am not big sister , I am not baby , I am just a kid !” 正確,有點兒”矯情"吧!但有時候也會撒嬌,“I am still a baby , 抱抱me Please”

5. 姥姥問:“ 我可以去學校看你嗎?" 她回答:" Teacher will say NO, only kids can come to class. Every school day , I go  to school , you go back your house  , can’t stay my house "什麽時候姥可以去看你呀?"" NO school day, come to my home !’  疫情下,也明白著呢!

6. 她要拿桌子上的花鏡,我說:”this is not regular glasses . When people is getting old , they need this special glasses. “ 她馬上說:Lao Lao , laoye . My mommy ,my daddy have there own glasses ,they don’t need " 反應挺快,姥姥是老啦!

7. 她看動畫片《the doc mcstuffin》 說:“remember ,you are the doctor , I will be a doctor too .”  而且接下來還有聲有色講了一通,姥姥隻聽懂幾個單詞,和"this is the ending of story .”

8.記得事情啦!一天,忽然指著餐廳裏地毯說:“ remember, this is from my home , my mommy took it to your house. This is pretty …,” 天哪,她還記得這事兒,這塊大地毯還真是幾個月前她媽媽拿到姥家的!

9.可會說好聽話了。姥姥問:“do you miss your mei mei ? “ “ NO! “  “ do you miss you mommy ?” ‘NO!””do you miss your daddy ? “ “NO! , I miss you ! I want to stay with you !”  “ I miss you , I come back your home visit you !” 

9. 姥姥也會被小孫女批評:“ you never say yes !” 這是在不被允許看電視時。

10. 姥姥告訴她:"隻有姥姥家的花才可以摘,別人家的不可以摘。她馬上說:"My home is OK “  反應正確,加分。

11. 告訴姥姥,她有“four best friends,
 Three boys, one girl”  我馬上借機問"姥姥是你的best friend 嗎?” “ yes, you are,” 謝謝你,小寶貝兒,姥姥獲此殊榮,真高興。願意永遠做你的best friend! 永遠!永遠!!