文章來源: 魏薇2022-05-24 07:06:28


My boy is a bright boy, this is what I have been thinking since he was little. This was confirmed by the Chinese doctor who gave his IQ evaluation when he was in 1st grade, and reassured by school phycologist who executed IQ evaluation again when he was in 7th grade.  But after years of academic failures, I was more realistic. I have to admit the impact his disorder put on him is much bigger than what I have thought. My poor boy is the victim of the disorder. The sense of acceptance brought me calmness. All roads lead to Roma. I have been comforting myself.

His dramatic academic improvement brought me immense happiness and higher expectation. I expressed my tremendous joy to him, telling him how proud I am of him, his dream will not be a day dream if he keeps doing this well, or he may do even better in the rest three years. He smiled.

Before he was 8, he only talked with children, but not adults. Because of this, my families have been worrying about him. They thought he might be an autistic kid. But I have never thought so since he liked talking and socializing with kids. When he talked with kids, his excitment would be expressed by his grins and laughers. Sometimes, his laughers were so loud and lasted so long, I was even afraid he might lost his breath. But whenever adults occurred, he would stop talking, any facial expression would be replaced by a slice of smile.  His different reaction to kids and adults has been lingering with me as a mystery till he was 8, by then he started talking with adults.  

He laughed and smiled a lot before he was 10. That’s his personality, inside he was a happy kid, his heart was lighten up by sunshine. The spiritual trauma he got from the school’s mistreatment during the first month he studied in the new American school took his smiles away, he was in depression for about two months. When the successful school transaction started bringing happiness back to him, his eye trauma put him into another depression. The surgery, the constant post-treatment assesements lasted for almost a year. The inside fears put his 10-11 period the darkest period in our life, in which period, he barely smiled.

The used be happy boy came back when he was in middle school. He gave people an impression of shyness, but he always have smiles weared in his face, from which people could tell his calmness and kindness.

I was familiar to his laughers and smiles.  But for the first time in his life, I saw he smiled for his good academic performance.

About his school, he has been keeping his mouth shut when he was in middle school. “how is your school? tell me about it “ “Everything was fine, there was nothing to talk about”.  

When he got into high school, things started changing. With his better school performance and more maturity, he was more open about his school performance and willing to share with me. He started understanding behind my curiosity is my love and care about him. His sharing, my close attention to his school performance through Power School, and his teachers’ compliment letters brought me peace of mind.


他學習,我坐在後麵小凳上學英文。課後老師問我在幹什麽?告訴他。他說你的英文不是說得很流利了嗎?還學什麽呢?“ Learning to write in a different language is such a fun thing to do!"

告他大家都喜歡他的消防員服照片,都誇帥。“為什麽呢?””因為照片中的你看著既陽光,健朗,又有像個小小男子漢,很可愛。知道什麽是小鮮肉嗎? 國內前一段時間在打小鮮肉,偽娘。為止,國內也改變了教育方式。以前不重視體育教育,現在也增加了體育課的份額。小子聽著直笑。