文章來源: 魏薇2022-05-13 09:27:32

一周前,學校公布了下學期的課程。仔細一看,少了中級繪畫,多了心理學。再到課程選項裏查看,竟然發現有一項“AP MOBIL CSP”當初沒看到。剛剛從畢業同學那得到的信息是: AP課程可以很好地BOOST GPA. 他除了HISTORY, 上HONOR,還沒有上過一門AP課。這門AP課對他來講,應該是不太費勁的。於是當晚和第二天早上千叮嚀,萬囑咐地,讓他和CONSULTANT講,就說當初選課時把這門課漏了,你以後大學想學COMPUTER SCIENCE, OR COMPUTER ENGINEERING, 這門課對你以後有幫助,你也有信心學好此門課,請她幫忙調課。

下午回家,問他。他說去找了,把情況和MAIN OFFICE的老師說了,老師說CONSULTANT JULIE正在忙,請他把寫信向她說。 ”那你就寫。。。。“。 ”嗯“ 他領令。晚上問他,他說已經送了。第二天下午,他送信息說”得到回複,說那門課當前沒位置了。會幫他留意看以後會不會有空出的位。“ 想想這孩子要上一年他不會有興趣的課,還丟了白送的AP課,我開始有些鬱悶,怪自己粗心大意。沒想到差不多一周後,他送信息告訴我說:她說有空位了。”那你讓她改“ ”有“。晚上一查,明年的課程中去除了心理課,換上了MOBILE CSP。 不錯,小子辦成一件大事。

說了一陣子,想要打工賺錢,一直功課忙,沒申請。快暑期了,於是開始想各種工作機會。他最想去的是BEST-BUY,其次是 STAPLES, TARGET這樣的商店擺貨。看到附近的BEST-BUY 有開放的工作機會,於是通知他上網申請。他信心滿滿地申請了,結果第二天一早,我去看郵箱,就有一封回信,說招聘團隊已經認真審閱了他的簡曆,經過一番考量,覺得他目前還無法勝任那個崗位。上學前和他說了,讓他去申請BEST-BUY裏的另一個崗位。他走後,我有點不甘心,就跑到店裏去問。一個管理的小頭頭問了兒了子的年紀,說據他所知,店裏最小的工作人員都是十八歲的,因為這家門店客流量大,工作節奏快。”他很強壯,可以應付快節奏的工作。”他聽了一笑。“我可以帶他來和你們經理談談嗎?“。”可以,PETER今天就在,你帶你兒子來。“ 

放學帶去見了PETER. PETER 四十來歲,人很和善,看著就像個好老板。問了年紀要求,他說除了WAREHOUSE裏因為要開機器,要求十八歲以上外,其餘的網位都對十六以上人群開放。問兒子有沒有在網上申請。答說“有”。他到辦公室轉過一圈後回來,”沒見到你的申請。“ ”他確實有,我還收到了婉拒信“。”噢,那是係統自動發的。“”申請分兩塊,第二塊是通過視頻問答,然後視頻會被錄下,上傳後才算成功。你有這一步嗎?“ '沒有”。“我們的係統比較複雜,你回去再把重新申請一下。”

red rose with fine mist droplets

Since he turned to 13, he started having a demand for privacy. Whenever he was at home , he would stay in his room with the door locked. My boy used to be so close to me, now he starts preventing me from getting his room. Even I thought it should be part of his growth, but psychologically I hasn't prepared for it yet.   

His 15 years old physical exam was different from previous ones. I realized from the view of western physiology, 15 is a very meaningful age for boys. He is a boy in puberty during which period most of the boys should start thinking about girls.     

Regarding girls, I have never heard any particular girl’s names from his mouth when we moved to US.  various factors might contribute to this fact, his disorder, his poor academy, his shyness, etc.  But under my questioning, he did tell me he plays computer games with girls, one of them is a Japanese girl living in Las Vegas. If his willingness of having have sushi and Japanese snacks, his interest in knowing about Japanese culture and history were some vague clues that led me to think he might like that Japanese girl and has been trying to create chatting topics with her.   Then his curiosity to this game couple should be a more convincing clue to support my suspicion.

That time, with the story as media, we talked more. He said he wants to be a computer engineer, he wants to study in UConn, he thinks he will not be a poor person in the future…all these were expressed in a relaxing voice with confidence.

I was stunned by his ambitions. "UConn is a very good school, you have to study very hard to get into. "  I gave encouragment to him, left  skepticism to myself.