文章來源: 魏薇2022-04-30 06:13:04


在海岸大道行走時,有兩座摩天大樓吸引了我的目光。它們直入雲宵的雄偉氣勢,與位於旁邊半山上的一座座方塊宅居形成了強烈對比。於是我便在原先的目的地:電報山, 最彎曲的街道, CHINATOWN之上,又加了那兩座摩天大樓。

Here, on the street, only about a hundred yard away from SF Pacific  bay, I saw a public bus coming into the street, then stopping at a bus stop. The bus looks very nice, long and wide with red body ornamented with orange lines, bringing me a sense of the combination of modernism and classicism. Now, the public transportation is the 3rd thing after the palm trees, the waterfront walking street, brings me a feeling of my 2nd hometown  in China.  

1.Transamerica Pyramid(泛美金字塔大廈)

Big cities across the world are recognizable due to their unique architecture and distinguishable skylines—San Francisco is no exception. Tourists can easily pick out the Transamerica Pyramid from photographs of San Francisco.

The Transamerica Pyramid is located in SF’s financial district and just a stone’s throw away from SF’s historic Chinatown. The looming landmark features a white quartz exterior and more than 3000 windows.

Constructed in 1972, the Building was originally met by public outcry and residents claiming that SF was no place for an obelisk-shaped skyscraper.’ Its unique shape was actually built for environmental practicality in order to let natural light and airflow teach the already crowed streets of SF.

Today, the building stands as a symbol of pride for the city and an undeniable characteristic part of SF. Originally the Building was built for the Transamerica Corporation, the it was bought out in 2000 by NYC investor, Michael Shvo, and currently sever as office space for financial and insurance services. Transamerica Corporation moved to Maryland.

2. Salesforce Tower--the current tallest building in SF.

Since the completion of Transamerica Pyramid, it has been holding the title--the tallest building in SF. This title was moved to Salesforce Tower in 1989.  Salesforce Tower is a 1.4 million-square-foot, 61 story icon, is adjacent(鄰接的)to the Transbay Transit Center. The tower is a landmark addition to the SF skyline and is the 2ND tallest building on the West Coast, with its crown soaring to a height of 1070 feet. Hines sold Salesforce Tower in April 2019, the building is owned and operated by Boston properties.


Transamerica Pyramid 並不遠,走了十幾分鍾就到了。見並無行人在此地駐足觀望它,顯得我的癡傻。於是在兒子地催促下,我也隻是經停一下,就去看大眾推薦的ATTRACTIONS了。

Transamerica Pyramid is pretty easy to get by feet. After crossing the street, getting into Financial district, it will take you about 10 minutes to get there if you have no interest to stop and take a curious glance at the street scenes, like my son.







Lombard Street---the most crooked street in the world.(九曲花街) 

This street is famous for a steep, one block section with eight hairpin turns.  It is located along the eastern segment in the Russian Hill neighborhood. It is a major tourist attraction, receiving a round two million visitors per year and up to 17,000 per day on busy summer weekends, as of 2015.


Why is it called Russian Hill?

The neighbor hood’s name dates back to the Gold Rush, when settlers happened upon a small Russian cemetery at the top of the hill. The cemetery was moved, but the name stuck. A tiny park at the top of Vallejo Street includes a small plaque and memorial from the Russian government dedicated to the cemetery.

An interesting artical gave me a glance of the life people who live in Russian Hill neighorhood

"San Francisco is a city of hills—big ones, small ones, curvy ones, ones with stairs, ones that make your stomach drop, and ones featuring views so picturesque they stop you in your tracks in wonder.

I grew up near the peak of one of these treacherous slopes in my grandparents’ three-story flat. At the top of one of the city’s most famously steep streets, I lived the kind of life where, at home, quite literally everything was “all downhill from there” I have been wondering the grade of the street in my neighborhood, but couldn’t find the data for quite a long time. Fortunately, a fellow data nerd Stephen Von Worley, who operates the visualization website Data Pointed, took the time to comb through some topographical maps in search of SF’s most intimidating inclines. Thanks to his diligent fieldwork, we have a real list."

Top 10: 31% grade

Top 2: 37.5% grade--Romolo between Vallejo and Fresno( North Beach district and the adjacent Telegraph Hill.)

Top one: 41% grade--Bradford above Tompkins.