文章來源: 魏薇2022-02-09 05:22:28

Yesterday we went through a day with rain mixed with cloud and sunshine at highest temperature at middle of 40F in the afternoon, People got a slice of feeling of early spring in March.

Today we started from a chilly morning with temperature at 20F, but in the afternoon, the weather will be as nice as yesterday with temperature at over 40F. There still will have a chance of passing shower. This kind of weather will go through Thursday.

On Friday, we will experience the warmest day of this winter to the date with the highest temperature at middle of 50F.


The current intense situation between Russia and Ukraine have strained the nerves of the top leaders of all powerful country in the world. These leaders have all stood up to express their opinions. Miliary officials and diplomatic officials are standing on the frontline to show their support to their top leaders. An US female diplomatic official said Putin’s military action is dangerous and overwhelming negative. An Ukrainian official said Ukraine will fight Russia’s invasion badly, Russian soldiers will die as Ukrainian soldiers will do.  


Biden administration said Russians have to think about the consequence from the invasion. The consequence is mainly from different types of economic sanctions. He gave a clear example on Russian pipeline:“ We will bring it to an end”. There are around 30k Americans in Ukraine, US will help them evacuate to Poland.

Snowboarder Lindsey Jacobellis won gloden medal for US. The present 36 years old Connecticut girl has been dominating the sport for almost two decades with five-times World Championship.  She is a legendary in female snowboard athletes. 




因為她的混血背景,我又想到了人的IDENTITY問題。RACE 與ANCESTER, HERITAGE關聯,可以說是單一的。 而 NATIONAL IDENTITY不是單一的,人可以有多種IDENTITIES。 而第一NATIONAL IDENTITY我感覺是取決於生長環境(WHERE YOU WERE RAISED AND GROW UP). 她說她是中國人也是美國人,一點沒錯。但我猜在她的內心,她美國人的IDENTITY會更占上風。當然這個第一NATIONAL IDENTITY可能會隨時間的推移變或不變,因人而異。

昨天第二次去為遊泳比賽當計時員。隊裏那個叫安德魯的跳水選手,上次第一次見他表演時,就為他的高水平而吃驚,驚奇高中生中會有如此專業水準的隊員。而時隔一個月,再見他的表現,簡直讓我吃驚到瞠目結舌。有一個表現更甚的隊友,那孩子站起來,雙手捂著嘴,木呆呆地立了良久後才坐下。過後我向他和他媽媽表示祝賀,說與上次比,他的水平又達到了另一個境界。走之前,兩位教練一一對我表示感謝。我說:兒子在隊裏遊得不是很好,但他喜歡這個群體。我很珍高興她們對他的評語:FUNNY ,CUTE, PEERS LOVE HIM BEING AROUND, Yes he is a good swimmer。最重要的一條HE IS A GOOD PERSON.