文章來源: 魏薇2022-01-05 07:38:42

Today started with a misty and cold morning. The cold temperature combined with the drizzling wetness left icy spots on the road. I felt the iciness so I drove slowly. 3 meters before the stop sign at the entrance of the complex, I switched my foot from accelerator to brake pedal. But my car didn’t stop as quickly as it used to do. I experienced the similar situation as I had years ago in an icy snow day. The car struggled of stopping, it slid forward for almost two meter even my previous speed probably was 10mph. Finally it stopped, but I was scared. Driving on high way will be horrible. Seconds later after the predication flashing through my mind, I heard from radio “the icy spots caused many troubles for the morning traffic… a number of schools have announced late opening…”


When I got home, I turned on the radio. With the company of the NPR’s Morning Edition Program, I started my home cleaning. The Morning Edition Program is kind of a brief newsroom filled by helpful information which can be guidance for people making decisions.


In today’s Morning Edition program, I heard the stories on two hottest themes: the latest COVID situation in US and the investigation on Jan 6th, 2021 Capitol Hill rioting event.

Yesterday historically the daily covid positive cases in US exceeded 1 million. It sounds like an unbelievable number. I have heard the high transmission of O variant, but now I have a real sense of the high contagiousness. I hope in the following months, we will see miracle happening: the covid variant will vary to even milder viruses than O variant. They will immerse in the virus family and live with human beings harmlessly. It might be a dream, but having dreams is a good thing, dream likes hope. Having dreams and holding hopes make people think positively. I don’t know the inner world of people who suffer from depression, anxiety these mental illness, but I think they have one thing in common, they all feel hopeless.


Yesterday from NPR I heard an overwhelming story about a bright young man who is a student of Harvard Law School. He chose taking his life on the last day of 2021 at age 25. The story was told by his father, Jamie Raskin, a congressman who will do the 2nd impeachment against Trump for Jan 6th rioting event. the story is from his latest book “ Unthinkable: trauma...”


He said his son has been sensitive since he was a young boy, he has depression, anxiety, OCD which his families knew about and he has been getting help from a bunch of good psychiatrists. Jamie claimed his son's death was related to the isolation during the pandemic. I have been hearing about the huge impact the isolation brought to young people, but it is the first time I heard a whole story about it from NPR. 目前CDC將隔離時間縮短為5天,並建議解除隔離後繼續戴口罩五天,且不需要再做病毒檢測,這項改變遭到了一些醫療工作者的反對。我想是隨著病毒毒性的逐步減弱,公眾不再提新冠病毒則色變,且看到隔離帶給人們,特別是年輕人的危害後做出的改變。相信這不是一拍腦袋的決定,背後定是有科學數據做支持,是在綜合評估了收益與風險的比值後做的改變。想想任何政策都不可能讓所有人滿意,隻要政策符合多數人的利益那就是對的。學校運動隊有更為嚴格的防疫指導,我想這是因為運動員運動時和學生又不一樣,大家都是不戴口罩共處一小時以上,所以應該更加謹慎。看學校通知是POSITIVE後十天內不許參加訓練和比賽。

小孩遊泳訓練完回家告我嗓子有一點疼,我一驚,問他何時開始,他說就是下午上課時感覺到的,但就一丁點,並沒有其它問題他就忘了說。我說現在是非常時期,以後要多向我匯報。心想應該沒事,還是抓來剛買的增強免疫的多維軟糖,連吃三顆尋求心理安慰。學校通知說如果家裏學童出現疑似新冠症狀需要做檢測,可以打電話給學校,學校剛收到一批數量有限的檢測盒。記者問州長是不是應該頒布強製室內戴口令,州長說他不打算做,理由是他不想招來抗議。想必是去年他經曆的抗議把他弄煩了。他說我們有很多工具可以利用,VACCINE, BOOSTER, MASK,言外之意,大家各取所需吧。昨天COSTCO裏就見一人沒戴口罩,而與他同行的妻子和兩個幼小孩子都戴著口罩。那人此時成了稀有者。想著這對年輕夫妻真是包容TOLERANCE和接受ACCEPTANCE的凱模。