文章來源: 魏薇2022-01-28 04:54:15

6.Jorden Hill Area

Jorden Hill is located at the extensive area of Green Grass Field Area. The road leading to the high school and the community center cuts through the Hill and the GGF area. I don’t know when was the road built, when I moved to this neighborhood and resumed my daily walking routine, it was already a worn out road, cracks being all along the road with some being fixed and some not.


In 2017-2018, the Town set new developing plans, more businesses and commercial services(buildings) were invited in. Since 2018, people could easily feel a new round of economic development.  與新一輪經濟發展同步的是社區環境的進一步提高。Along with the development of economic environment, the residential living environment got improved simultaneously, roads and public buildings were either fixed or remodelled.  Town started remodeling this road in spring of 2020 when majority of Americans were enveloped in the gray cloud of anxiety coming from Covid-19 pandemic. By then, to me the road remodelling work was not simply a construction work, it meant a sprite, a momentum. It made me feel our society still running. Till now I can still recall the construction scenes in which the road roller, the excavator, the dump truck, the crane, the dirt, the grass, the bushes, and of course the construction workers all looked beautiful. 


現在每隔幾天,孩子早上吃飯時都向我要茶喝。對此我挺高 興,喝茶會使人心靜,心靜使人做起事來心無旁騖。他的聽力好的出奇,但這點對於像他這種有注意力缺陷問題的孩子來說變成了缺點:) 為減少周圍環境的幹擾,現在他大考時還被照顧在小教室裏教。聽他說小教室時坐了五個人。紐時報導說在2020年疫情年,美東這一帶的茶葉銷售量增長了70%,看來是疫情期間人們都想借助東方的茶葉來舒緩焦慮:)

昨天從收音機裏才知道烏克蘭的總統是電視明星,喜劇演員comedian, 娛樂人士entertainer出身,當選前在烏已擁有很高的知名度,先前並無從政經驗。這點和川普很像。他當時是以70%的高支持率當選的,最近的支持率掉到30%,原因是他未能承兌當初的竟選承諾:與俄保持良好關係;整治腐敗。不過因為目前的緊張局勢,烏民眾明白此時讓其辭職並非明智之舉。

今晚到明天,暴雪將襲美東,to tomorrow night,BOSTON的降雪量將達2英尺厚,康州全境的降雪也會達到8"-18"。全美東發布了BLIZZARD WARNING。靜候大雪。

今早出去走路時,小區裏一位準備開車出門的老先生向我招手。老先生高個子,看著挺壯實,盡管他上背已經有些駝,頭發也已白了一大半。他的大半張臉被青綠色N95口罩罩著,我無從見到他的真麵目。放下手,他向我走來,“我就是想告訴你‘YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION! I SAW YOU WALKING ON THIS ROAD EVERYDAY, NO MATTER WHAT THE WEATHER WAS.' 盡管隔著口罩,我仍可從他的眼神中感受他的真誠。身為一個剛來此不久的亞裔女性,我頓時感覺如英雄般的榮耀。我被他人讚揚,我也讚揚過他人。說一句真誠的讚揚鼓勵的話語就會拉近兩個陌生人間的距離,讓雙方都感受到幸福喜悅,這是最簡單的心靈雞湯。那日去COSCO買東西,排隊結帳的隊伍挺長,我這隊進展比其它隊快。到了結帳時,我對西裔收銀員說”你真快!你們之間像是在開展一場技能竟賽。“ 他說”謝謝,我是老員工了“。出門時,見白人查檢員老阿姨戴了兩層口罩,外麵的那個是用紅色中國錦麵料做的。“你的口罩真好看”“謝謝,新年快樂”



Blizzard 暴風雪