文章來源: 魏薇2022-01-19 09:28:19

Pastures and Woods Area

Pastures and Woods Area consists of three big pastures and a woods in decent size. The woods actually is a forested wetland in which a stream windingly flows through the low-lying areas, whether ponds or swamps being formed or not depends on the amount of rainfall in the individual season.  There is a trail in the woods. With varied trees, the woods is a good habitat for many birds in various species. Walking in the woods, you will be companied by diverse music performed by the great musicians in nature. The musicians come and go with the changing of season and weather. Blue gay, warbler, robin... are abundant here, even you don’t see them physically in the woods that often, you know they are always somewhere. Ducks are the regular guests of the pond( I name that pond “Fun Pond”), since they are not wary creatures, you can appreciate them relaxingly without the worry of panicking them away. If you are luck, you even may meet some rare birds like red crown pileated woodpecker, owl, blue heron. The moments of my meeting them in person are good memories in my mind. some moments happened two years ago, but I can still vividly recall the scenes.


Walking out of the woods, going along one of the pastures, you will get the Dog Park.

Dog Park  

Dog Park is the playground and social place for dogs.  The dog-raising families rate in town is pretty high. Since people raise and treat their dogs like their family members. They would like to give the best to their dogs. Like human beings, dogs need socializing. Town offers the service by building this dog park for the families having dogs.



Boston Mayor Michelle Wu defends city’s indoor COVID vaccine mandate for restaurants, sports arenas, gyms; says the move ‘saves lives。


康州州長一直沒有頒布此類法令,不過是鼓勵大家打疫苗,戴口罩。各家經營業主自行決定是否要求顧客戴口罩,兩周前COSTCO還沒有室內口罩令,現在麵對O病毒的強傳染性,也要求入內者要戴口罩了。昨天州立大學開學,前兩周REMOTE LEARNING, 後轉為IN PERSON LEARNING, 這個決定是審時度勢的,對於兩邊的人群都可以接受。好的領導者,是要平衡雙方的利益與需求。就像一個好的DEAL,一定是讓雙方各有獲取,又各有讓步,是調和的結果。所以總在分析誰勝誰輸, 不知道妥協的人,在工作生活中肯定會時常受挫碰壁。康州疫情繼續穩定向好的方向發展。

因為美國大學錄取是以GPA 和SAT兩個成績作為參考,明白了決定GPA分值的因素後,我明白了其中的原因。昨天和兒子分享,他挺同意。我說:GPA是偏向憑估學生學習態度的,SAT是偏向憑估學生智商的。相較SAT成績,非藤校大學更看中GPA成績,因為對於普通工作,態度比智商更重要。藤校是培養精英的,考慮的因素就不一樣了。

在車上聽了段Joe Biden Press Conference(媒體見麵會)內容,當被記者問到"為什麽CDC還不把fully vaccinated 的定義從兩針改為三針?" 他含糊所答非所問,連坐在後麵的兒子都發表意見了"他這是在說什麽呀?" 女記者不想再聽他兜圈子,就強忍著硬梆梆地甩下最後一個詞"定義"走人,Biden就還是假裝沒聽懂,繼續說他想說的,就是不想簡單地說一句:CDC是審時度勢,無法將少數人的意誌強加到大多人的身上,他是想讓所有符合條件的人都去打三針。跟聽小品似的,搞笑。

前兩天的雪還沒化,晚上又要先來來雨加下雪,再轉為純雪,明早出行又要多加小心了,估計學校不是延遲開門就是關門了 。想著這雪下著下著,春天就會來了,不覺會心一笑。