文章來源: 魏薇2022-01-18 06:43:04


In China, the public parks are usually walled or fenced. In US, the parks are opened without obvious borderlines.  From my personal view, I feel the open parks create better environment.  XXX is a big park in diversity, based on the landscapes and functions, the entire park can be divided into a few separate areas.


  1. The Green Grass Field Area.

The Green Grass Field Area is the central of the entire XXX Park. A black star gravel trail snakes through the park, extending to the next functional area. The trail divides the Green Grass Field into two functional areas. The bigger part is fully opened, the spacious grass is a wonderful field to host soccer games or some other sports events. The other part accommodates two gardens, two reed ponds and assorted ornamental trees(one of each), the rest open space of this part is the location for some cultural recreational activities hosted by the town.


Walking out of the Green Grass Field, crossing a short road along which is a tree garden on the right side(since most of the trees are assorted crabapples, so I name it crabapple tree garden), you will get to the next functional area---Complex Recreation Area.


  1. Complex Recreation Area.

The Complex Recreation Area consists of two baseball fields, one skateboard track, one play ground and a mini landscape garden for young children, and xxx Garden which includes a pavilion--a place for sitting and remembering for seniors.


A dirt road lined with oriental  cherry trees(日本晚櫻) on both sides leads to the pastures and woods area from where people can acquire a feeling of appreciating the nature in countryside.


  1. Pastures and Woods Area

Pastures and Woods Area consists of three pastures and a medium size woods. The woods is actually a forested wetland in which a stream windingly flows through the low-lying areas, whether ponds and swamps being formed or not depends on the amount of rainfall.  There is a trail in the woods. With varied trees, the woods becomes a good habitat for many birds in various species. Walking in the woods, you are companied by the diverse music performed by the great musicians in nature depending on the seasons and the weathers.    If you are lucky,  you even may meet some rare birds.  I met barred owls and red crown pileated woodpeckers there.


以下圖文來自網絡 www.birdsandblooms.com


Pileated woodpeckers are large, graceful birds, and may be easier to attract than you thought. As big as a crow the pileated woodpecker is the largest member of the woodpecker family in North America. Its name comes from the Latin word pileatus, which means “capped,” alluding to the bird’s conspicuous crest. Here’s all you need to know about these gorgeous red crowned woodpeckers.


Barred owl--北美體形較大的一種貓頭鷹



前幾日問他”你覺得你的英文和中文哪個更好?”他說“不知道”。我又問”你覺得一門語言變好了,原本的母語會不會變差?“。他回說”不會,隻要你一直在用。“ 聽了他的話,我豁然開朗,不擔心學了英文弱了中文。不知不覺中,他也可以為我解惑了。

