文章來源: 魏薇2022-01-16 06:56:45

美國的公園不像中國公園那樣用圍欄圍著,界線分明。這裏的公園是開放的,界線並不明顯,有如水彩畫過度,與周圍環境更好地融合。 於我看來,這附近的一大片都屬於公共公園的範疇,隻是這一大片園可以被劃分成幾個小園。1。運動公園園,園中的兩個小花園,兩個蘆葦塘;2. 涼亭及旁邊的青年活動樹林. 3.兩個BASEBALL FIELD,一個兒童遊樂場,一個滑板道,社區活動中心廣場,櫻花道,黃樺林。3。狗兒公園和其下的一片空場。4。草場林區:包含三個草場,一大片樹林。 

In China, the public parks are usually walled or fenced. In US, the parks are opened without obvious borderlines.  From my personal view, I feel the open parks create better environment.  XXX Park is a big park, functionally it can be divided into a few separate parks.


  1. The Green Grass Field is the central of the entire XXXPark.  A black star gravel trail snakes through the park, extending to the next functional area. The trail divides the grass park into two functional areas. The bigger part is fully opened, the spacious grass is a wonderful field to host soccer or other sports events. The other part accommodates two gardens, two reed ponds and assorted ornamental trees, the rest open space in this area is the location for some agricultural events or celebrating events hosted by town.


  1. xxx Pavilion is one of the locations for town Park and Recreation hosting summer camps.  It can also be reserved to host private parties. The woods across the road is a good place for youths who like adventuring in woods.  In it there are varied challenging wooden facilities for fun and exercising. Besides the two main trails , there are a handful of narrow small winding paths scattering in the woods, from where you can experience the feeling of getting lost in the woods.  I think it might be a simulation of living in the woods.


總在天氣預報中聽到一個詞, 根據發音覺得應該是那兩個單詞,今早總算是得到了確認。是“WIND CHILL”--是指冷空氣在風的助力下,人所感受到的溫度。. 這個周末美東普遭寒流侵襲,最低溫度達到華氏個位數,但是WIND CHILL感覺是在華氏0度以下。看了波士頓的WIND CHILL 是華氏零下20度,達到了EMERGENCY 的級別。

北京海澱通報了北京第一例O COVID-19 CASE, 這這背後還有多少。這個病毒傳播快,被感染者很多是無症狀的特點,讓清零看起來成了impossible mission。

俄羅斯在俄烏邊境集結,普京給出的理由是俄的安全受到了烏的威協,美國的女評論員說”這怎麽可能呢?俄的軍事力量那麽強大,烏那麽弱小。。“ 也聽到烏總統的講話,有如戰前的誓詞“ THE MAJORITY OF OUR PEOPLE WILL DEFENSE OUR COUNTRY” 由於兩方實力懸疏,聽著很悲情。怎麽才能避免這場戰爭呢?感覺俄國人真是好鬥也能鬥,不知道有沒有與愛喝伏特加有關。前陣子兒子推薦了電影T-34.雖然明顯的video game印象和DRAMA感,但還是挺好看的。講的是在二戰時蘇聯的英雄坦克T-34。最有趣的一個場景是“讓我們的坦克跳芭蕾吧!”,隨著蘇聯戰俘的一聲呐喊,重新被整修好的T-34坦克在天鵝湖之四隻小天鵝舞曲的背景音樂下旋轉飛奔跳躍起來。


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