文章來源: 魏薇2021-10-08 06:11:32





I slept early last night with an intuition of my lily’s blooming.  I got up at 6:30 this morning, the first thing I did was opening the door and took a look at my lily on the stair adjoining to my front door.


My lily is blooming, the new blossoms brings me an impression of freshness, girlishness, cute and shyness.  This impression make me think myself. When I was a little girl, I was shy but not pretty. I would hide in my small bedroom when my parents’ friends visited to our home.


I bend down, put my nose close to my lily. My lily welcomes me with its charming fragrance. I have the fragrance in my memory. My lily is called Oriental lily. In China it has a beautiful feminine name” perfume lily”. When I was there, in some particular season, I would buy two stems lilies on which some flowers are freshly blooming and some are still in buds. Putting them in a vase, filling up the vase with water, mixing the flower nutrition in the water, I let them sit on my dining table. The flowers could last at least one week. With their existence, my cozy two-bedroom apartment was immersed in a lovely fragrance, seeming like being perfumed.


Wiped out my computer desk, I am ready to put some of my mind into computer.  But before I am fully seated, my heart is seized by a glimpse of the scene in my back yard through the window. Holding my expectation, I run out to the deck. I stand there, waiting, waiting, waiting… Around ten minutes later, the scenery I expected come into my view. White fog is rising in far. The fog is spreading, moving toward me, getting heavier.


On the artificial hill stand aged evergreen pine trees, newly grown plants and an ornamental pine wood with bulletin-shaped crown. in the white fog, all of these with the gable roof from a house across the street turn magically beautiful.  In the following couple minutes, I stand there still, appreciating the fleeting scenes like from a beautiful fairy movie, visualizing a good fairy occurring from the white fog, walking towards me. She will bring me good luck, all my blessings on me , on my son and my families will be fulfilled. But if she can bring my beloved father back, I would give up everything to trade it.


昨天JACK把兒子的飛機送還給我,過後我們坐下聊了會。我說我在網上買了他堂兄的書LETTING GO. 兩周後會到,等我讀後和他分享我的感受。他聽了很高興,說那是部很私人的書。我想他是擔心我會感到失望,於是說“EVERY LIFE IS A STORY. 我喜歡讀普通人寫的,分享他們個人經曆與感受的文章,也當我學英文。前兩天有人給皮卡老師出學習英語的主意,其中有一個就是找個美國人聊天。這確實是個好主意,年輕人沒時間,找個賦閑的美國人聊。聊天對於雙方都是很有收獲的。然後我說兒子已經在家飛了那套KEVIN轉讓的小飛機。他說:“在家裏飛,不怕撞壞嗎?”。 我說:”我回家見他飛,也挺吃驚的。但見他飛得很穩很低,時常懸停在低空。可能是他之前已經飛了三四年的某通無人機,有一定經驗。““要是去俱樂部飛行場地飛的話,他可以設置路障,橋梁學習比賽飛行。”我把這話轉達給兒子,兒子說“在家也可以練,在兩張椅子間,或者鑽桌子,椅子腿飛。”他是懶得跑。想想兒子七八歲時手握筆握不穩,五分鍾就會握得一掌心汗。對比現在,真是感到被福佑了。


當下城裏的熱文是有關國內正在熱放的描寫抗美援朝/韓戰的影片。喜歡了解曆史,於是基本都讀來學習了。看過後,就覺得不管對哪方來說,都太慘了。祈福和平,不要再有戰爭。描寫一場這麽悲慘戰爭的影片,擱我是不會去看的。讀後除了學習曆史外,還去溫習了WOULD 的虛擬用法,不被提醒,差不多都忘了。

