文章來源: 魏薇2021-09-28 07:52:09


與一位黃衣老人聊天,他很懂植物,告訴我說MINT的莖是方形的SQUARE形的。 BEEBLAM(香蜂花)也屬於薄荷MINT屬的。果然,我摸了摸它們的莖,是硬硬的柱狀。他又說BEEBALMS不單吸引蜜蜂,也吸引蝴蝶和蜂鳥HUMMINGBIRD。 

A senior guy with yellow shirt walks into the garden. Standing in the middle, with hands rest on waist, he looks around, seems being feeling the environment and appreciating his works.


I started being interested in learning knowledges of plants since this spring. Being attracted by their leaves, flowers, trunks, fruits, seeds, crowns. I wanted to know them. I bought two books, one is National Audubon Society,  Field Guide to North American Wildflower, the other is DK Nature guide, Trees.


From the books I learned much more than just their names. meeting the plants in person and reading about them (from books or internet) became a wonderful hobby for me!


Two months ago, during a conversation with a senior female gardener, I knew she is a member of ABC gardening club. That club takes care of three gardens in the park. Two are located in the turf area and one in the playground area. The one in the Southeast corner is a welcome garden, the one on the Northeast is a herb garden.  Gradually I already got the impression as what she told me.


Now I am standing in the herb garden. A newly blooming flowers with strong mint fragrance is the shining star of the garden today. I eagerly want to know its name so I can do more research from internet when I get home.

He seems like a nice gardening person, ” How about you?”, with smiles on my face, I greet him. “It seems you enjoy the garden as I do. I really appreciate the two gardens in the park. I saw various flowers going and coming in the past a few months. I just saw that newly blooming dark pink-purple flowers, do you know its name?” I point to those flowers and ask.



“Oh, this is a type of mint, called beebalms(香蜂花). Its flowers attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. This garden is taken care by ABC club. The club takes care of there gardens in this park. If you are interested, you can join them. It’s good. You can learn a lot of knowledge for gardening. “


He seems like a serious person,  but decent ,friendly and very knowledgeable on plants, I asked the right person. I told myself.

“You seem pretty knowledgeable for plants. “

“I am ok. I have a herb garden in my back yard for almost 20 years. “

“No wonder! then how about this?” I point to another one, next to beebalms, with same color flowers, they look similar.

“this is blazing star,  not belong to mint family.  I teach you an easy way to tell plants in mint family. they all have square stem."

I have a try. He is right! three different herbs in mint family look different in appearence,but they all have square and stiff stems! 


林外草場路道上落了一地棕黃色的幹葉,抬頭望了望灌草上方的樹葉,明白了那落葉來自那槐樹。 迎麵走來兩人,穿黃色的T-SHIRT, 原來是剛來小園裏的老人,他和老伴在一同健走。

The road to the wood is thinly scattered with yellowish-brown fallen leaves.  I look up, to see the trees above the bushes. Now I know where the leaves come from. They are from those two big locust trees.



早上把兒子在學校對麵的一個停車場落下,看他過馬路時向兩邊給他讓行的車輛揮了揮手,然後小跑過馬路,我心裏一笑。雖然他揮手的動作很快,顯得有點不好意思,但我已經覺得很幸福了。這說明他接受了我的建議,想成為了別人眼中懂禮貌,受歡迎的人。前兩天,把他落下時,見一位同學先於他,正走向斑馬線,我讓他下車快點,趕上那位同學,和他一起過馬路。他問我為什麽,我說這樣車輛讓行你和他一次。他快跑幾步跟上那位同學,一起過了馬路。過去後,他轉回頭朝我這邊望來。還有一件讓我高興的事,小孩通過一個月的課後戶外跑,在無意間開始欣賞自然界裏的植物了。昨天喝CRANBERRY JUICE 時告我,公園裏有兩棵結著小紅果的樹,不知能不能吃。我知道他說的地方,告訴他那不是人吃的,鳥很愛吃。前段看到圈裏分享的一篇轉自三聯生活周刊的文《我們的教育遠離自然有多久了》,自然會塑造和影響人的性格,我深以為然。




小孩的日裔男同學帶飯到校,今天分了他一個飯團,說裏麵包的SMOKED SALMON, 這容易,也來試做一下。 想到前兩天和他談對未來老婆的憧憬。首先從身份上要是中日韓裔的,為什麽?說是長得更好看,也不那麽瘋,更可愛,而且文化習俗也接近。沒想到傻裏傻氣的小孩心裏已經有了打算,聽得我笑死了.


