文章來源: 魏薇2021-05-23 04:51:17


Years ago, I conversed with a young ABC girl about 25. Her parents are all well dressed person from Shanghai, came to US together more than 30 years ago.


To today, I can’t remember what’s our conversation about, but I do remember a comment she spined to her father. “My father is so funny, he travelled many places across this country, guess what he said, he said he loves CT best. This is a place he would like to stay forever. Forever, OMG! The young girl teased her remarkable father. “Such a boring place. “ In the end, she concluded.


Back then, I was kind of standing on her side, thinking her father a short-sighted person. a person who would like to stay in a cozy room in a remote village. That’s kind of contradict to his background.  


With the passage of time, I began understanding her father, a senior computer science engineer. 我們常說讀萬卷書,行萬裏路。如果你是個會觀察,愛思考的人,無疑你智慧的年輪會隨著時間的流逝而積累。幾年過後,經曆過觀察,學習,思考,體會後,我開始明白她的父親。我喜歡CT PUBLIC  RADIO裏的兩個節目: THE DAY ON THE HISTROY 及WHERE WE LIVE,(AWARDS SHOW)."WHAT MAKES CT A GREAT STATE? "  at  the end of the show, the female radio host always left the question to their audiences.    


The great poet Wallace Stevens wrote his adopted state, “ The man who loves New England and particularly the spare region of Connecticut loves it precisely because of the spare colors, the thin light, the delicacy and slightness of beauty of the place”


When he moved to the capital city in 1916, Stevens, like many who journey to the state , came for work. The work he would do here would be twofold: he joined Harford’s growing insurance industry and contributed to the foundation and definition of a new wave of American poetry.

讀到這些時,我被深深被觸動了。他所說的,不正是我所感受到的嗎?遠離喧囂的,一切都顯得清淡,卻不失精致和優雅的美。更沒想到,他也順應潮流,是最早投身於這個保險之都的一員。 前個月,瑞士保險巨子,企業資產是HARTFORD 三或四倍的CHUBB 公司以高於HARTFORD公司市值的收購條件,提出對其收購。 兩天後,HARTFORD 董事會發表決議: 作為美國曆史最悠久的公司之一,我們有義務對我們的投資人,以及我們分布在全美的18500,在康州的6000多員工負責,我們HORNOR我們的曆史。。。 巧的是,在我的微信朋友圈裏,有位愛好文學的朋友在該公司工作。 當讀到STEVENS 時,我問朋友。朋友說“沒錯,在我們位於HARTFORD CITY裏的總部園裏,有一個 WALLACE STEVENS 博物館,他的詩作被刻在石頭上,散落在辦公園區的各角落。