文章來源: 魏薇2021-03-17 16:46:22

After two continuous cold days, today turned into a nice day with highest temperature of 50F at afternoon, the lowest temperature at night will be around 30F. There will be a big chance to have snow on Friday, March 19th, a day before the first spring day of 2021. It maybe sounds crazy for you, but not for me, having been living in New England Region for almost 10 years, nothing about weather can surprise me.


With the accomplishment for all teachers vaccination in CT, It’s the time for students going back to school, Governor said these when he visited a high school yesterday. Monday, superintendent in our town announced all students are encouraged to do in person learning before April 5th. students who don’t feel comfortable for in-person learning still can do remote learning, but there are only 2 choices for parents to choose from after April 15, either full remote learning, or full in person learning, hybrid will be not an option anymore.  Biden administration will give more budget to school system to support the fully school reopen plan, the budget is huge, averagely each k-12 student can get $2.5k. Summer school will open to all students, not only to a small group of retarded students as usual.


I haven’t been watching TV for quite a while, all the news I got were from NPR radio broadcast during that period time. From there, I heard Biden’s stimulus plan, NY state governor Cuomo was pushed to resign for his sexual misconducts to 7 young women; CA governor Newson was asked to leave his office for his poor reaction to this pandemic; Thousands of unaccompanied minors surged on the southern US border, 2 more shelters were built for accommodation of these young migrants.( I learned an analogy from this news, COYOTE is a type of wolf, but at US border , COYOTE particularly means human smuggler, our Chinese call snake); Oprah’s interview with Prince Harry and his wife Megan. Among those news, no news attracted people's eyeballs as many as Megan’s interview. To 21 century, not a Royal family in the world still have such big influence to the people worldwide except British Royal family. As the oldest Royal families in the world, British Royal families are always living under the spotlight. As an immigrant country, Americans come from every corner of the world, but the highest population is from UK.  That can explain the popularity of British TV shows  in US. DOWNTON ABBEY is an good example. The TV show was made into a  movie 2 or 3 years ago. The movie was not compariable to the TV shows, but still a big news at that time, I saw a magnificant catologue about this movie in a book store. It's a hardcover book, black and white are the only 2 colors in the design which creat a reminiscent visual impression.  

 I had a conversation on this with an American couple who are both Irish descendants. “ Are you interested in the interview with Megan?” I asked.

“Yes “ both of them nodded and said.

“Have you watched the interview on TV?”

“Yes. “

“What do you think the privacy she exposed ?”

“All trivial family things, it can happen in every family. They talked about what the baby’s skin color will be, which she felt offended. For me, I think it a very common conversation, a white father and a black mother, people will be curious about the skin color of their baby, nothing wrong to talk about it. if nobody talk about it, it will be strange. But she felt being looked down.” comparing with the comments is his hand gestures. 


"Yeah, I think the same way as yours" I said " also I watched their wedding, very nice, I saw her being welcomed and people cheers along the street..."


"Yes, I watched too! that's the last day of the fairy tale" the wife said with a disappointed impression on her face.


"I don't like she talked about Royal family's privacy in public to make money." As an Asian, I expressed my opinion.

"me neither, she sold her soul for money." the middle-age western guy gave his opinion. "No" the wife joined with her husband. 



我今年一百歲,已經走到了人生的邊緣,我無法確知自己還能走多遠, 壽命是不由自主的,但我很清楚我快“回家”了。 我得洗淨這一百年沾染的汙穢回家。 我沒有“登泰山而小天下”之感, 隻在自己的小天地裏過平靜的生活。細想至此,我心靜如水, 我該平和地迎接每一天,準備回家。 在這物欲橫流的人世間,人生一世實在是夠苦。 你存心做一個與世無爭的老實人吧,人家就利用你欺侮你。 你稍有才德品貌,人家就嫉妒你排擠你。 你大度退讓, 人家就侵犯你損害你。你要不與人爭,就得與世無求, 同時還要維持實力準備鬥爭。你要和別人和平共處, 就先得和他們周旋,還得準備隨時吃虧。 少年貪玩,青年迷戀愛情,壯年汲汲於成名成家,暮年自安於自欺欺人。 人壽幾何,頑鐵能煉成的精金,能有多少?但不同程度的鍛煉, 必有不同程度的成績;不同程度的縱欲放肆,必積下不同程度的頑劣。 上蒼不會讓所有幸福集中到某個人身上,得到愛情未必擁有金錢; 擁有金錢未必得到快樂;得到快樂未必擁有健康; 擁有健康未必一切都會如願以償。 保持知足常樂的心態才是淬煉心智,淨化心靈的最佳途徑。 一切快樂的享受都屬於精神,這種快樂把忍受變為享受, 是精神對於物質的勝利,這便是人生哲學。 一個人經過不同程度的鍛煉,就獲得不同程度的修養、不同程度的效益。 好比香料,搗得愈碎,磨得愈細,香得愈濃烈。我們曾如此渴望命運的波瀾, 到最後才發現:人生最曼妙的風景,竟是內心的淡定與從容…… 我們曾如此期盼外界的認可,到最後才知道:世界是自己的,與他人毫無關係。