文章來源: 隨緣處之2023-04-01 09:47:59


"I don't even know why I'm still doing this sh** to myself!", Ed seems a bit frustrated.

"What's wrong!" I asked

"I am wondering if I should start a brand new career over instead of keeping on doing this crap year after year." Ed blinked his eyes behind his tortoiseshell square frame glasses.

"So, what's in your mind if you don't continue with what you have been doing for 20+ years?"

"I don't know ... Maybe a chef?"

"Wow, Interesting! It sounds like you might have reached to a crossroad in your career. Maybe taking a block of time off to think through is necessary?"

"I wish I could have this luxury. One college kid, one senior high about to go to college, wife stay at home ... Well, does not seem I have much choice..."

"Well, not necessary. We often set block for ourselves by applying routine thinking which caged us in for many years ever since we started own family and put luggage on our shoulder to support the family."

其實, 人到中年,孩子出門上大學,俗稱“空巢”了, 做父母的我們真的應該好好為自己多想想了。問一下自己,我在做我自己喜歡的事嗎?這樣的日子我還能過幾年?是不是要開始提前給自己做退休規劃啦?“做什麽退休規劃?退了,就是每天不用上班,不用看老板臉色,不用和同事虛與委蛇,不用......,反正就是可以每天睡到自然醒,好好休息,到處旅行,想幹嘛就幹嘛了唄?”這是我常聽到的說法。

想得美!俗話說得好“理想是豐滿的,現實是骨感的”。We always thought the other side of grass is greener(得不到的總是美好的),不是嗎?我真的不是危言聳聽。

