文章來源: 博物2016-12-08 12:27:18

Photo courtesy of American Life League | Flickr


12月6日俄亥俄州議會通過了目前美國最嚴的墮胎法案(http://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/12/07/politics/ohio-abortion-bill),又稱心跳法案”(Heartbeat Bill)胎兒隻要有心跳了就不能墮胎,也就是說懷孕六周後就禁止墮胎。參眾兩院都已通過,就等州長簽署或者否決了!如果州長啥都不幹,10天後法案自動生效。


這個“心跳法案”(Heartbeat Bill)是首次在Ohio州參議院通過。以前眾議院推過此案多次,都被參議院壓下了。我查了一下紀錄,這次共和黨總共23票中有20票支持,民主黨的10票全部反對。共和黨州參議員,20男3女,“心跳法案”的支持者18男2女。這就像多年前我在紐約地鐵上看到的廣告裏說的,“反對墮胎的90%是男人,但他們100%不會懷孕......”






— 親子百科




聯係方式: https://act1.myngp.com/Forms/-7990230163885391872


I strongly support abortion access. I demand you reject both the six-week abortion ban and the 20-week abortion ban. These are unconstitutional, dangerous measures designed to punish women. You should be better than this.

These decisions must be made by women, not politicians. At six weeks, many women don’t know they are pregnant. This bill would effectively outlaw abortion in Ohio. it removes the right of rape victims to terminate a pregnancy from their assault. This bill forces women with pregnancies suffering from medical complications to carry a fetus to term.

Instead of carrying the water for groups like Faith2Action and Ohio Right to Life, you should be working on policies that support access to health care and help women and families live better lives.

Under the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, as affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1992 in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a woman has a constitutional right to end her pregnancy prior to "viability.”  Both the six-week ban supported by Faith2 Action and the 20-week ban supported by Ohio Right to Life are unconstitutional by this clear standard.



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