文章來源: cng2020-01-13 21:01:00

一位著名右派理論家,特朗普前白宮高參,薩巴斯蒂安.郭卡(SEBASTIAN GORKA),曾寫了一本書,書中記載了一位美軍“高級特種部隊將領”向他披露的美軍所采用的令人不安的暗殺手段:總統和他的團隊,視無人機攻擊為一種“輕鬆鍵鈕”。他們的邏輯是這樣的:某某某是恐怖集團成員?那好,發現他們,派出無人機,殺死他們,那我們就避免了另一次911了。








奧巴馬對恐怖分子的斬首行為,最著名的當然是除掉本拉登了,雖然郭卡認為這個舉動破壞了和盟國巴基斯坦的關係(to the detriment of our relationship with other nations, especially Pakistan)。另外一個也非常有名的例子,是奧巴馬定點清除了Anwar al-Awlaki, 一個美國籍的也門伊斯蘭教士,他在世界範圍內用漂亮的美國英語演講宣傳鼓動極端恐怖主義襲擊,是基地組織類似政委的宣傳型人才,被來自美軍無人機的一顆導彈送上西天了。但是由於他具有美國國籍,這個暗殺行動當時引起了極大的爭議,特別是左翼人士的批評。



而當年冒天下之大不韙連阿富汗戰爭都反對的,有兩位最有名。一個是民主黨的Barbara Lee,另一個是共和黨人的老牌自由主義者,RON PAUL,他覺得沒必要大動幹戈討伐阿富汗而陷入泥潭,要抓本拉登,派遣特種部隊就足矣。當時人們都覺得這樣的反戰者太極端了太聖母了,但是20年之後人們才看到他們的先見之明。

我估計RON PAUL的思想對奧巴馬影響至深,讓他偏好於運用無人機導彈或特種部隊對恐怖分子進行斬首行動,從而減少了美軍的戰損和對當地無辜百姓的殺傷。




1. “奧巴馬給他們現金,特朗普把他們變成灰燼”!(Obama sent them cash. Trump turned them to ash)。

2. “左派不去祝賀三軍總司令,反而批評特朗普,同情伊朗毛拉和“受人尊重的軍事領導人”蘇拉曼尼”!(Instead of commending the commander-in-chief, the Left and its lackeys in the media are criticizing President Trump and sympathizing with the mullahs and the “revered Iranian military figure,” Qassem Suleimani)。



President obama, a democrat, did not proves as dovish as his supporters expected. He may have been against large-sclae military deploymnets in the cause of nation building, but he was more than ready to kill jihadist, or to have them killed. In 2011, both laden and awlaki met their maker - the former at the hands of a special operations force covertly helicopterd into Pakistan, the latter at the end of a missle strike from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UVA). In fact, President obama resoted to targeted killing by UAT at a rate that outstripped President Bush's by order of magnitutde. Not only was he far more willing to have American's e enemy killed remotely - often to the detriment of our relationship with other nations, especially Pakistan - but he was willing to kill a American citizen as well, citizen like Awlaki and Samir Khan, the editor of Inspire.

Did the president's keenness for Hellfire missiles represent a better understanding of the threat to America and a greater commitment to winning the war against Jihadism? Strangely enough, it didn't. 

As one high-ranking special forces general shared with me, President obama and his team see the kinetics options, such as drone strikes, as the "easy button". The thinking has become: So-and-So is a member of Al Qaeda? find him. launch a drone. kill him. then we will prevent the next 911. Unfortunately, this logic is not only simplistic, it is dangerous. 

American has demonstrated in the past fifteen years that it is preeminent in the use of overt force. As the same general told me, if we know you are a high-value target, and I have your GPS coordinates, we can kill you in the next 72 hours. but so what? The administration stikingly misunderstand the simple math of extremism. If you kill one jihadist and fifteen other fundamentalist muslims volunteer to replace him the next day, your UAV stike or special operations mission can turn into a recruiting flatform for the enemy, dooming you to endless rounds of "whack a mole" against the growing ranks of jihadist.