讀2016年最暢銷書Hillbilly Elegy《山裏人的挽歌》(附《陪你一起看草原》
文章來源: 暖冬cool夏2021-01-30 10:55:41

感恩節那天窩在家裏看了一部2020年新拍攝的電影Hillbilly Elegy。這是根據一本暢銷書改編的電影,據說書比電影好看。好奇心驅使我上圖書館網站排隊預約了這本書,等了近兩個月,才於一個星期前姍姍而來。借到的這本字體很大,一共370頁,語言淺顯易懂,前後隻花了一星期不到就讀完了。

這是一本自傳體的回憶錄,曾榮獲2016年紐約時報最佳暢銷書。作者J.D. Vance講述了自己跟隨母親和祖父母走出了橫貫在肯塔基州的Appalachia大山,舉家移居到Ohio Middletown的故事。J.D.生長於一個單親家庭,母親離婚後,像走馬燈一樣的換男朋友,又結婚再離婚(在他高中畢業離家前一共換了五任)。小小年紀的J.D. 無奈地跟著不停變換住處 (兩年內換四個家),與陌生的繼父和繼父的孩子同住一個屋簷下。母親脾氣暴躁,常常摔鍋子摔盆,還曾經毒打J.D.。後來母親又染上毒癮,更是無暇照顧J.D.了。J. D.與姐姐相依為命度過了一段時期。姐姐出嫁後,寄人籬下的他因為漂泊無定,無法安心上學。是老祖母的最後收留讓他結束了這樣擔驚受怕的日子,能繼續他的高中學習。高中畢業後,J.D.選擇了去當兵,四年滿期後,他回到Ohio州,申請去了Ohio State University讀書,兩年後又考入耶魯大學的法學院。從一名曾經的高中D學生,到赫赫有名的耶魯法學院學生,他的成長、成熟、成功離不開老祖母的鞭策,部隊的鍛煉和他自身的覺醒和努力。但是,這本回憶錄不隻是一個一家三代人的故事,穿插其中的,更多的是作者對很多社會現象的思考。作者將焦點聚集在低收入白人這樣一個群體,揭示他們每況愈下的生活,從自身經曆出發,從他所親眼目睹和感受到的真實體驗,來剖析問題的根源。我想把書中提到的一些問題和現象做如下的陳列、歸納和引申:

1.美國福利製度的不合理 作者讀高中期間在一家商店打工,親眼看見那些領食物劵(food stamp)吃福利的人到商店裏購物,一邊結賬一邊打手機電話,那時估計是九十年代末二十世紀初,在不是人人擁有手機的年代,領食物劵的人卻買得起酒喝,買得起手機,有能力支付每個月的手機話費。還有些人用食物券買兩打蘇打飲料,然後折價買掉換現金,這種現象讓作者不解。聯想到他認識的身邊有些人,一輩子不工作,整日遊手好閑,靠吃福利過日子,他們不以吃福利為恥,反而以此為榮,譏笑那些整日埋頭工作的人,這讓那些日日上班卻依然生活窘迫的人十分憤憤不平。因為這些吃福利的人揮霍的是納稅人的錢,作者在書中把這些人稱之為寄生蟲(moucher),他們就想像是依附在勞動人民身上的螞蟥,是整個社會的包袱。



從Appalachia山走到俄亥俄州中部的平原,從偏僻的農場走向大型鋼廠(祖父),從一個平民百姓的孩子躋身到藤校法學院,這無疑都是一個向上向前的流動。它開拓了人的視野,給人注入新能量,新信息,從而激發了人的潛能。但是,這些被大山養育的人群雖然離開了家鄉,身上又帶著那裏的烙印 (You can take the boy out of Kentucky, but you can’t take Kentucky out of the boy. (P. 41))。他們遊離於兩種文化間,在他們一隻腳踏入新領域,新環境時,另一隻腳卻停留在舊文化舊觀念舊習俗裏。 書中提到,這些來自Appalachia山脈的居民,他們懷念家鄉的風土人情,抱團生活在自己小圈子裏,固守著自己的文化和生活方式,很難融入或徹底投身到當地居民的生活中,是當地人眼中的異類。這種難以割舍的情懷讓他們頻繁地奔波在連接他鄉和故鄉的高速公路上,他們在得到經濟狀況改善的同時,又是有失落,迷茫的。這種剝離蛻變,破繭成蝶的過程或許很痛苦,但是社會不就是在一次次的陣痛中向前的嗎?

提到移居,人們聯想到的詞或許是uproot, 連根拔起。但是作者書中用的是transplant這個詞,這個詞好,從字麵上就說明,移居它不應該是斷根,應該是一種移植,是移植於更肥沃的土壤,為了更好地生長和繁衍。



4. 這個社會是有階級之分的,貧富之間有著無法逾越的鴻溝

富人和普通老百姓之間是存在著屏障和溝塹的。書中講了這樣一個例子,我們普通人找工作是上網看招聘廣告,遞交簡曆,等待麵試等等這樣一個過程。但這不是那些富人,高級管理階層找工作的方式。他們是通過關係,通過network,朋友間的,家族中的,這些長期積累下來的人脈資源,為自己打開一條通道的。作者在書中稱之為social capital, 社會資本,一種隱形卻很有價值的資本。


5. 誰是導致這群人--白人-紅脖子-低收入者貧窮的原凶?

是全球化嗎? 移居Ohio州後,很多Kentucky來的山裏人很長一段時間在當地大企業Armcos工作, 可後來工廠效益不好,最後被一家日本企業收購合並(如果沒有日本企業的收購,Armcos會麵臨倒閉)。現在很多人把美國經濟的不景氣歸咎於全球化,製造業的外移。如果說當年提倡的open free market錯了,要重新去全球化(deglobalization), 把製造業都搬回來,那麽他們有沒有想過,未來製造業的自動化,機器人AI的廣泛使用,這些靠雙手吃飯的體力勞動者一樣會麵臨失業,陷入失去經濟保障的困境中。

所以,同意作者的觀點,認為造成這些人貧窮的主要責任不在政府,在個人自身。是這些人的懶惰,文化上的劣根性導致他們的貧窮,墮落。聯想起《山海情》裏的畫麵,同樣是山裏人,九十年代寧夏山區的貧窮隻會比九十年代Appalachia山裏人的經濟狀況有過之無不及。《山海情》裏的山裏人最終走出了一條致富之路,而一部分Appalachia山裏人離開了大山卻還在掙紮中。或許你會說,這沒有可比性的。那好,那就比一比他們自己的祖先。他們有沒有第一代Scots- Irish千裏迢迢移民北美,開拓疆土時的那種精神? 他們有沒有當年先輩們從東岸直闖西部的勇氣? 他們有沒有利用社會給他們提供的很多機會,他們自身努力奮鬥了嗎?


作者在書裏提到,很多時候山裏人就等同於窮人(Jackson taught me that “hill people” and “poor people” usually meant the same thing.)像作者這麽成功的人士在他的人群裏是少數,大多數山裏人,即便走出了大山,依然掙紮在社會邊緣。他們沒有工作,吸毒成癮,犯法,孩子輟學在外遊蕩,未真正成年就是好幾個孩子的父母。這些問題的解決非一朝一日,任重而道遠。如果說這本傳記《山裏人的挽歌》是作者對孩提時代大山生活的一種紀念,是獻給外祖父外祖母和那個群體的一曲挽歌,那麽他自身的故事,經曆和成功又何嚐不是在傳遞著一種自強不息的精神,給掙紮中的人們帶來挑戰命運的信心呢?



  • It is full of drug addicts and at least one man who can find the time to make eight children but can’t find the time to support them. P35
  • They always had one foot in the new life and one foot in the old one.
  • Your will make its living with their minds, not their hands.
  • You can walk through a town where 30 percent of the young men work fewer than twenty hours a week and find not a single person aware of his own laziness. (p86)
  • To them, the American Dream required forward momentum. Manual labor was honorable work, but it was their generation’s work—we had to do something different. To move up was to move on. That required going to college.
  • For my entire life, I had oscillated between fear at my worst moments and a sense of safety and stability at my best.
  • Working as a cashier turned me into an amateur sociologist. A frenetic stress animated so many of our customers. One of our neighbors would walk in and yell at me for the smallest of transgressions—not smiling at her, or bagging the groceries too heavy one day or too light the next. Some came into the store in a hurry, pacing between aisles, looking frantically for a particular item. But others waded through the aisles deliberately, carefully marking each item off of their list.
  • Political scientists have spent millions of words trying to explain how Appalachia and the South went from staunchly Democratic to staunchly Republican in less than a generation. … government was “payin” people who are on welfare today doin’ nothin’! They’re laughin’ at our society! And we’re all hardworkin’ people and we’re getting’ laughed at for workin’ every day! (p204)
  • “I can’t understand why people who’ve worked all their lives scrape by while these deadbeats buy liquor and cell phone coverage with our tax money.” (p205)
  • The problems of our community hit close to home. Mom’s s struggles weren’t some isolated incident. They were replicated, replayed, and relived by many of the people who, like us, had moved hundreds of miles in search of a better life. There was no end in sight. Mamaw had thought she escaped the poverty of the hills, but the poverty—emotional, if not financial—had followed her. Something had made her later years eerily similar to her earliest ones. (p207)
  • As millions migrated north to factory jobs, the communities that sprouted up around those factories were vibrant but fragile: When the factories shut their doors, the people left behind were trapped in towns and cities that could no longer support such large populations with high-quality work. Those who could—generally the well educated, wealthy, or well connected—left, leaving behind communities of poor people. These remaining folks were the “truly disadvantaged”—unable to find good jobs on their own and surrounded by communities that offered little in the way of connections or social support.
  • Wilson’s book spoke to me. I wanted to write him a letter and tell him that he had described my home perfectly. That it resonated so personally is odd, however, because he wasn’t writing about the hillbilly transplants from Appalachia—he was writing about black people in the inner cities….. – which addressed the way our government encouraged social decay through the welfare state. (p210)
  • It would be years before I learned that no single book, or expert, or field could fully explain the problems of hillbillies in modern America. Our elegy is a sociological one, yes, but it is also about psychology and community and culture and faith.  (p210)
  • Like my professor who suggested that Yale Law School shouldn’t accept applicants from non-prestigious state schools. There’s no way to quantify how these attitudes affect the working class. We do know that working class Americans aren’t just less likely to climb the economic ladder, they’re also more likely to fall off even after they’ve reached the top. (P297)
  • Though we sing the praises of social mobility, it has it downsides. The term necessarily implies a sort of movement—to a theoretically better life, yes, but also away from something. And you can’t always control the parts of your old life from which you drift.  (p298)
  • At the same time, they’ve shown me that social mobility isn’t just about money and economics; it’s about a lifestyle change. The wealthy and the powerful aren’t just wealthy and powerful; they follow a different set of norms and mores. (p298)