爬山碰到了蛇 (w English)
文章來源: 暖冬cool夏2019-04-25 17:01:06
對蛇的恐懼可能是與生俱來的,不知道上帝為什麽會創造這樣一種無腳的,靠肚子挪動的動物,看一眼就讓人心生厭惡恐懼。小時候, 家住在山上。有一年夏天,一條白蛇,不知怎麽地鑽進我和弟弟睡覺的房間,躲在床板下的角落裏不肯出來。記得全院的人都來幫忙打蛇。蛇是被打死了,可是過了幾天,又一條白蛇出現在我家附近的鄰居門口,人們說那蛇說不定是蛇媽媽,來尋找那條被打死的。 這麽多年過去了,已經記不清很多細節了,然而, 那種對蛇的恐懼連同牆角的血跡卻從此深植在記憶裏。
上周六,想趁著春光大好,再去爬一次山,卻因在沿途碰見了蛇而中途折回。雖說爬過三年山,但那時仗著人多,大家有說有笑,加上三年也就碰到過兩次,每次我都繞道不看,並沒有太大的恐懼。 但這次不同,就我和某人兩個人。那日,我們沿著蜿蜒的山路向上走著,說笑著,突然在靠近花叢的右側,驚見一條蛇在爬行,長長的身子扭動著。我大聲驚叫了起來,而某人卻麵不改色地靠近它,掏出手機拍了起來,一邊拍,一邊說,"沒事,應該是無毒的"。在某人連哄帶勸的話語聲中,我又戰戰兢兢地跟著他,繼續向前。不料,沒走幾百米,又看見一條,這次是在路中央的淺草叢中,他走過時並沒有注意到。我原地站著尖叫著,心都提到了嗓子眼。 隻見他撿起路旁的一根細長枝條,把蛇撥了幾下, 然後向我招招手, 意思是說,警報已經解除了,事後還跟我說,這條蛇應該挺聰明的。 而我卻不願意再爬了,哪怕山頂有無限風光, 我已無心觀看。
他不願意半途而廢,我隻好望著他的身影,一個人折身下山。下山的途中,在幾乎同一處又碰見一條蛇,許是來時看到的同一條,隻是它從路的右側換到左側。我的恐懼心理達到了極點。 我開始小跑起來,隻想早一分鍾逃離這個危機四伏的地方。我雙眼隻盯著路中央腳即將要踏過之處,不再看兩旁的草叢。 在我跳躍的視線中, 路麵幹裂造成的裂痕都像是一條條蛇。 我憋足了的一口氣,加快速度衝下了山,一邊衝,一邊拚命剁著兩隻腳,故意發出巨大的聲響,希望這樣,如果前麵有蛇聽到了會自動溜走。
就這樣,在恐懼中我跑下了山, 到了平地處,坐下來等他。 漸漸地,心平靜了下來, 腦子卻不由得開始胡思亂想了起來。 老實說, 開始時,心裏掠過一絲不快, 抱怨他不陪我一起回來 (想來他一定不知道我會這麽害怕)。 所以當我看到他笑眯眯走下坡時, 我開玩笑說,"這山上美景如何? 是有美女等著,還是有美女蛇等著,連老婆都棄之不顧了?"  可其實,人的一生就像這爬坡,有人陪你同行自然好,沒人同行,有時還不是要一個人去麵對, 麵對期間的種種障礙和困難。 而當他興致勃勃地掏出手機,給我看山頂上拍的風光照和video時, 那一刻的我卻慶幸沒有因為自己的軟弱阻礙他的腳步,使他也喪失了欣賞的機會和權利。 從某種角度上說,我其實也是最終受益者, 因為通過他,我間接地看到了美, 那種或許唯有勇士才能接觸到的美。

This spring’s super bloom is unprecedented.  Every workday when I went to the company’s kitchen for water, I would spare a moment standing in front of the big window, looking at the mountains afar, to  relish at the rare spring color, its gradual changes, from green, to mixture of green and yellow when large swaths of mustard flowers erupting,  to its final suffusion of riotous yellow carpeting all over the tops.  But then the green color receded, signaling that the grass must be dying from the monthlong draught and sunlight.  With the sheer yellow color alone, I know the spring is coming to its end.

So last Saturday I urged someone to hike with me again, to a valley that was extravagant with mustard flowers in 2017. When we set our foot on the zigzag trails and climbed upward, the scene was just as spectacular as expected. The mustard flowers, flanking and dancing on both sides of trails, were taller than a man’s height. Their abundance made the once-wide and barren trails narrow and bushy. As we enjoyed the view along the way, a yellowish terrifying snake came to our sight. I shuddered in horror, shrieking uncontrollably as it wriggled its body among the bushes. While he, with his cell phone, approached closer for a picture, telling me in a calm voice that it was a non-poisonous California King or something.  The snake soon slithered away, but my terror lingered.  He took the lead, hiked in the front, to clear the path, assumingly.  Walking a few hundred yards farther, I spot something moving again. I stepped back and screamed out loud. He turned his back, and there a few steps away lurked another one in the middle of the trail that he just passed by. He picked up a long stick, poked at the snake, and beckoned me to come along as the snake was out of sight.  By then my fear mounted to such a tension that I decided to turn back, alone. None of the beautiful scenes would outweigh my psychological fear.

The descent turned out to be scarier. Every step was so intense and nervous, as I gathered all my courage and attention. Then about the same place that the first snake was spotted, I saw it again, at the other side of the road this time.  I was momentarily transfixed, not knowing what to do. Luckily three young people were hiking upward towards me. They saw me, heard me, approached the bush, and then said breezily that there was no snake.  They continued upward, talking at ease, while I was helpless on my own again. I took a deep breath, collecting myself, and started nervously running down. I purposely stamped my two feet heavily to give warning to any snake ahead, that “I am coming” :). I forced myself to only focus on the trail in the middle.  But in my fearful mind, the cracks on the dry road surface by the side of bushes all looked like black snakes.  When I finally made it to the open clearing at the foot of the hill, I was relieved it was over.

The next day, the muscle on both my legs was sore, as a result of nervousness I believe. To be strong at any circumstance is not easy, especially when you have to confront your psychological fear alone.  Nobody can actually help me but myself.