給自己買了生平最貴的護膚品 (w English)
文章來源: 暖冬cool夏2018-12-11 13:12:26
因為上班的公司臨近Costco,我很少在周末逛這家商店。不過,上個周末為了找換屋頂燈泡的長杆,我還是去了一次。周末的Costco比周日更加繁忙,人來人往,停車場也是泊得滿滿的。 走進商店,裏麵更是人頭攢動,免費的食物品嚐,各色琳琅滿目的貨物,節日特色的裝飾,糖果、聖誕花環,讓你覺得不買點什麽好像虧了似的。
我轉了一圈,問了服務人員,被告知店裏不賣我要的東西, 這種東西要去home depot看看。 我推著一輛空車, 車內僅有一盒雞蛋,東看看西看看,好像沒什麽要買了。 看著別人的推車裏上下疊滿的貨物,再看看長長的checkout隊伍, 心裏不僅犯嘀咕,為一盒雞蛋來一趟,太不值了吧?
眼看就要走出長長的通道, 右側有一個臨時的小櫃台,是賣護膚品的。一位年輕貌美的女子微笑地看著我,揮動著手中的樣品。我靠近前告訴她,這產品我已經有了,一直在用,很喜歡。女子隨手拿起金色瓶裝的護膚品 (InfiniteAloe Gold),向我介紹了起來。這是一種有機抗衰老的護膚品,裏麵沒有某些護膚品中常有的化學成分。她一邊非常專業地向我介紹,一邊不停掏出手機比較網上價錢, 告訴我,今天是他們最後一天在Costco賣。 我隨機問了價格,大的瓶裝要近$500,我搖搖頭說太貴了。 她隨手又拿出小盒裝,小小的五小瓶 一共$238 (稅前)。 
想來自己一向素麵朝天, 不用化妝品,連簡單的護膚品也不太用,仗著自己的底子, 任憑風吹日曬, 任憑無情的歲月在臉上刻下印記。 但是,又有誰能抵擋得住歲月的腳步呢? 想起公司組裏的女同事,花了$400,去做鐳射祛斑手術。 其實誰都怕老,誰都想留住或許早已逝去的容顏。那麽, 我的這個第一次是不是也很合理呢?$250在一些人眼裏也許根本算不了什麽,而於我就是一種突破,一次開始:)
以前看過做市場營銷的策略, 貨架的擺放都是顧客心理學,消費學、衝動學的研究成果。 我那日的消費行為算是衝動、中計嗎? 也常常聽人說,這世界上,女人、老人的錢最容易賺。 如果說,我今天不由自主地加入了這個行列, 但願我真正老去時能清醒的站在隊伍之外。
$250,值嗎? 大家有人用過嗎? InfiniteAloe Gold 

A look for a long pole light bulb changing kit brought me to Sunday Costco, a crowded place that I normally avoid shopping during the weekend. Entering the festively decorated mall, I parked my car a bit far in the packed parking lot.   The sun was shining, people hustling by. Soon I was inside the warm-heated store, greeted by the lady at the entrance, as well as the faint fragrance from the fresh Christmas wreaths in the corner.  After being told that Costco does not carry the long pole I was looking for, I strolled around aimlessly, taking a box of eggs into the big empty cart.  I have availed myself of a close-by Costco in the vicinity of my workplace during the weekday, and nothing seems to be on my current shopping list. With reluctance, I looked at others' carts fully stacked with boxes after boxes of merchandise around me, increasingly unsure if I would wait in line to just check out a box of eggs.  Just then, at the end of the aisle, a young lady from a beauty product stand smilingly beckoned at me, with a sample in her hand.  I approached her, telling her that I have been using the skin care products purchased years ago. But a further conversation revealed that they also carry an organic anti-aging skin revitalization product for my age. She patiently explained to me how it works, and how it differs from Lancome or other high-end products. Good as it sounds, it by far exceeds my budget. Seeing through my hesitation, she added that I could return the product within three months if they are not effective.

So in my empty cart, a box of around $250 skin care product was sitting next to a box of $6 eggs, making the long line waiting for checkout a bit worthwhile. This is the most luxurious skin care product I have ever bought for myself.  Is this the beginning of my attempt to rejuvenate the skin I used to be so proud of, or is it just a wakening consciousness of treating myself better?

The box is still sitting in my dresser, untouched, waiting for the owner to decide if it shall be returned or opened for use.