推薦一款Costco 的有機豆腐和做法
文章來源: 暖冬cool夏2016-09-16 20:55:12
以前,我總是喜歡嫩豆腐,看見Costco這款firm的豆腐時,沒動過心,腦子就覺得硬硬的豆腐不好吃。五月,女兒回家的一天,興致勃勃地跟我說起她在學校附近的餐館吃的一款豆腐,她依稀記得那道豆腐的英文(拚音), 我倆就上網查啊查,才知道那叫“鍋塌豆腐”,一道山東菜。看了看網上的做法,好像覺得嫩豆腐做不了,這才挖掘了Costco這款有機硬豆腐(硬度4,不算硬)。
Costco的有機豆腐一大盒$5.59, 裏麵有四小盒。
1. 將豆腐切片,水瀝幹。這麽大一塊,可以切成7片。Cut the tofu to 6-7 slices evenly, and let the water drain.
2. 水瀝幹後,灑點細鹽和胡椒粉(這一步可以省略)。Sprinkle a little salt and pepper on both sides. ( This step can be skipped.)
3. 碗裏打散一個雞蛋,放入少量麵粉或芡粉,加很少量鹽,攪勻, 成糊狀。Scramble an egg in a bowl and mix well with a little salt, a few spoonful of flour or sweet potato powder.
4. 將切好的豆腐放入盛有蛋液的碗了,兩邊都掛上糊糊。Dip the tofu in the bowl to wrap both sides with the egg mixture.
5.鍋子熱後,放油(我用的是葡萄籽油), 油熱後,將豆腐放進去兩邊煎,稍稍泛黃即可。Heat the oil in a wok, and stir fry the tofu until it turns brownish.
5. 將煎好的豆腐重新放入鍋中,如果還有蛋液剩下,全部倒入豆腐上,然後放點肉絲, 如果想更鮮的話,放入蝦仁(我是買有頭的蝦,去頭,剝殼,在蝦背上切一刀,去腸泥)翻兩下,加醬油,鹽,  一點點糖(這個視個人喜歡), 菇類 (增加鮮度) 或大白菜的菜心,然後加水 (加水之前一定要等所有剩餘的蛋液凝固之後,否則賣相不好)。如果怕蝦煮久了變老,可以稍微晚點放。 煮上15到20分鍾,味道進去後,加蔥,最後起鍋。
Add the fried tofu back to the wok at the very end once stir-frying is almost done. If there is any remaining egg mixture left,  pull onto the tofu. Then add some sliced pork meat, shrimps, soysauce, a little salt, and mushroom (or cabbage heart) to the wok. Add 2-3 cups of water, depending on how much soup you want. Cook another 15-20 minutes. Add green onions, and a dish of tender and delicious tofu shall be ready.