試譯葉芝的 A Drinking Song
文章來源: 天寒翠袖薄2016-02-29 19:10:44

試譯葉芝A Drinking Song


葉芝(W. B. Yeats)是我最愛的英語詩人,沒有之一。最愛的詩有,Down by the Salley Gardens經柳園而下),When You Are Old(當你老時)和 The Lake Isle of Innisfree(納斯弗利島)


A Drinking Song                        酒歌

By William Butler Yeats

Wine comes in at the mouth            美酒總是飲入口中

And love comes in at the eye;         愛情總是直達眼底

That’s all we shall know for truth   這是眾所周知的真相嗬

Before we grow old and die.           直到我們變老死去

I lift the glass to my mouth,         而今,我舉杯向唇

I look at you, and I sigh.            這你,深深歎息