Survival Manual
文章來源: 自然地老去2016-02-07 15:45:28

The WSJ article," Obama Survival Manual, Intl. Edition" (10/14/2014)outlines the various international situations facing as described in the article, "a self-infatuated weakling in the White House." These range from Kerry into a deal that will soon allow them to gain a nuclear weapon, to Putin's rebuilding the old Soviet Union through uncontested acquisitions of the Crimera, the Eastern Ukraine and other possible Eastern European and NATO member nations unwilling to confront Vladimir,  to ISIS's advancing across Iraq toward Baghdad like Rommel in North Africa despite the so called U.S. and coalition partner airstrikes - are the helicopters on the U.S. Embassy roof yet? , pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong who will soon need "Tank Man," to ward off the PLC's tanks while the "Weakling" watches,  China's saber rattling in the China Sea forcing Japan to consider obtaining their own nukes since they cannot depend on the U.S. for defense , the pending disaster when U.S. troops leave Afghanistan as announced by the Commander-in-Golf, not to mention Ebola's invasion of the U.S. while 3,000 troops plus 600 Marines are dispatched to attack the virus in West Africa while it spreads here - but no "Boots on the Ground" in Iraq or Syria.  This is not to mention an undisclosed number of Marines waiting to attack climate change - our biggest threat according to Swift Boat Kerry.

Although the article summarizes many of these issues and accurately describes Barry's lack of leadership and understanding of what is needed, nowhere does it suggest what he should do now to survive. Survive what? Actually that's not true. The Weakling is doing as little as possible to be able to run out the clock on his remaining golf days in the White House in order that he can survive as the winner of the "Nobody Peace Prize" that ended the wars in the Mid-East.  

At least the article is accurate in describing the immense wreckage that will result in the next two years if Barry stays on course - golf course that is.