文章來源: 寶爾2017-01-22 07:38:19

官太春梅要永遠占有赤貧的情郎陳經濟,資助他足不出周府, 娶了妻子,榮升軍職,做了老板,酒樓上下百十閣,漁獲嫖娼。春梅包養情郎!

韓道國攜老婆王六兒, 女兒韓二姐逃首府返家鄉, 因京都蔡太師被告落馬。陳經濟留韓家三口住酒樓,包養同齡26的韓二姐。 韓道國靠46歲仍有風韻的老婆王六兒和女兒衣飯肥家。

Mei wants to own Chen forever, helps penniless Chen, without leaving the house, get wife, get a military rank, become a owner of a whorehouse.

Han's family is back from the capitol because the high-ranking official Cai is ousted. Chen allows Han’s family to stay in the whorehouse, Chen owns Han’s daughter; they are both 26 years old. Han relies on his 46 year old wife and daughter as providers.