速描《金瓶梅》 第 42 回/100
文章來源: 寶爾2016-11-27 17:33:30

西門慶有錢有權,因兒子結繈褓緣,親家的親家的親家的一星點遠方皇家背景給西門慶帖上了皇室的點綴,他派人擔禮押送親家。 元宵節,西門慶官府秀寰中少有之煙花,擺世上稀奇之美宴,借著滿堂賓客歡鬧,又伺機與來赴宴韓道國的老婆王六兒偷情。不愁明日盡,自有暗香來。

Ximen has money, power, now the remote royal link because of his son’s “Diaper Engagement” .   At the Lantern Festival, Ximen shows biggest firework, hosts the finest banquet, he then gets a chance to fool around with Han’s wife, Wang Liu-er.  Ximen has no short of women.