文章來源: 寶爾2016-11-21 06:49:27

西門官場半徑擴展繁忙,出差接應外省新官上任,聯姻遙助京都管家娶親。聞新中舉的蔡狀元與安進士返鄉缺錢,  解囊相助,家宴二人, 見客喜男風,藏春洞,翡翠軒,獻書童家童服侍。次日,厚禮送別,白金百兩。

Ximen is busy with entertaining officials beyond his own town, greeting them in another city, helping the chief assistant in the capitol with his woman searching. When Ximen knows the To-Be-Officials in town, who are short of money,  Ximen gives them generously.  Ximen also invites them home for dinner, he sees the officials prefer men, begs them to stay over night,  and arranges the house boy to “serve” them.  The next day,  Ximen sees off the officials with cash and loads of presents.