文章來源: 寶爾2016-11-07 06:41:10

宋惠蓮是西門慶仆人來旺新娶的媳婦, 比金蓮的腳還小, 西門慶眼意心期, 支其夫出差半年,與惠蓮花園山洞偷歡。藝男李銘借教彈琵琶,調戲金蓮的丫頭春梅, 春梅大罵其出門。


Song Hui-lian, the newlywed wife of Ximen’s servant Lai Wang, has feet tinnier than Jin’s, Ximen is falling for her, sending her husband out of town for a half year, so that Ximen can play with her in a cave of his garden.   Li Ming, the musician hired by Ximen, takes the opportunity to teach instrument to Mei, Jin’s maid, then to make a pass at her, Mei roars him out of Ximen’s house.  

Ximen loves women regardless of status, but the two maids are selective in men for status.