速描《金瓶梅》 第15回/100
文章來源: 寶爾2016-10-31 07:29:00

瓶兒屯藏私房財寶於西門慶家,丈夫花子虛無錢還債,氣病夭亡。瓶兒用手頭現金買新樓獨院,一間休閑室,穿堂過道,四廳一廚,兩邊廂房,三間客房,上登三層,三間臥房,高瞻遠矚。 八月十五賞燈觀月, 瓶兒盛請西門慶妻妾,酒席齊整彈琴拉唱,珠翠堆盈人煙燈飾。


Ping hides her treasures in Ximen’s house, her husband has no money to pay debts,  buy medicine, he dies finally. Ping still has cash at hand! She buys a 3-floor-flat with 1 lounge,  3 living rooms, 1 kitchen, 3 guest rooms,  3 bedroom, and a mountain view.  She invites Ximen’s wives over for the Moon Festival Party, enjoying lantern shows and fine dinner entertained by singers and musicians.

At the brothel, Ximen and his gangs are having a wild party with the two Li sisters.