速描《金瓶梅》 第13回/100
文章來源: 寶爾2016-10-29 10:06:53

芳鄰瓶兒, 有夫之婦,比西門慶小3歲,兩人眼意心期已久。 終於與丫頭相協, 助西門慶翻牆偷情,往來數日。 金蓮抓住把柄,怒氣衝天,瓶兒巧施首飾,金蓮妒心即消,願幫夫偷歡,但要知閨密。西門慶帶回風月畫冊,金蓮仿效如獲至寶。

Ping, Ximen’s neighbor, 3-years-younger than Ximen, is married, both are looking for romance for a while. One evening, Ping has her maid assisted Ximen climbing over the wall and has an affair.  Several times later, Jin catches it on, outraged!  But when seeing Ping’s gift of jewelry to her, Jin softens and is willing to help Ximen cross-over wall in exchange for Ping’s secrets of seduction. Ximen brings home Ping’s Kama Sutra book, which Jin treasures and practices upon.