速描《金瓶梅》第10 回 / 100
文章來源: 寶爾2016-10-26 06:05:18

武鬆為兄報仇欲斬西門慶卻錯殺縣官李外傳,金蓮縱西門慶人情買法,判小叔為死刑。陳清官重審此案,免死刑,武鬆臉刺金,赴牢城。西門慶合家歡歌燕舞,鄰居瓶兒贈送珍品賀禮,她就是《金瓶梅》中的萍, 原為名門梁妾,因梁與夫人逃生,便帶著金銀財寶嫁花子虛。

To avenge his dead brother,  Wu Song mistakenly kills Li instead of Ximen.  Jin manipulates Ximen on bribery to ensure the death sentence of her brother-in-law. However, Chen, an honest Judge, reviews the case, saves Wu Song’s life.  Wu Song is face-tattooed on criminal service.

Ximen hosts a big family party for celebration. His neighbor Ping sends bundles of  expensive presents. Ping is the one of the three beauties in the book title . Ping was concubine to the well-known Mr. Liang. When Liang and his wife run away from trouble,  Ping boxes their left-over jewels and treasures and then marries to Hua Zixu.