有愛相伴的日子 20171228-20180101 歡度新年
文章來源: 如花美眷-012018-01-02 10:13:26
28號,周四早上,他:Nice night last night. I feel warm!

    It was very nice! I enjoyed

Did you plug your car in? Going to get very cold today

    I don't have the thing to plug

What? All cars have them by law in Canada

    Don't know where to find it

Ok, we can look together

Can you send me the flight info? I want to book parking.


Thanks, done. Have to remember to check in tonight as well


Would it be a big deal for you to get off a half hour early tomorrow?

    I will try. Do we need to?

If it will cause you problems don't worry. Should be ok just have to get going. Traffic could get ugly

    We leave at 4:30 ok?

Ok. Normally we should arrive no later than 90 minutes at the airport and we have to park and ride for
another 10. If I pick you up at work can you leave your car there? Then we should be good. I expect a

busy airport.

    I will leave at 3:30 then

Ok. I'm leaving around 3 so I can have everything ready in the car

    Sounds good.

29 號早上,打車上班。他問: Get to work ok?

    Yes I am at work now. Uber

Feeling less hot now? If not just go for a jog outside

    Cold outside. ;-)

If you find you want anything else for the weekend let me know. I'm going to the store soon for an errand.

Also can swing by your place after work.

    I will think about it

Only thing I can think of is the wine decanter. Maybe

    Yeah sure

You have shoes for Sunday night right? Also, what is the name of the Chinese restaurant for tonight?

   Pic. I've got shoes

下午三點,臨時被告知,今天提前下班。Off 3:30 today! I have been told just now

Oh! Sorry you might have to wait a few minutes for me

    I would be outside though. :-)

Ok heading over now directly. Eta about 30 minutes so should be ok


Be there in 5


Made it :)

    :-) Kiss









