有愛相伴的日子 20180108-11 新址
文章來源: 如花美眷-012018-01-11 12:43:52
周二早上:Really icy outside, be careful driving tonight

    I will, thanks baby

     周二晚上:Canceled my shift tonight, too icy

Yep very bad. Good call. Although likely busy for drivers

    Yes, the road is so bad. How are you doing today

Good. Busy day. When is WIFI coming to new place?

    I booked with Shaw, will pick up the box and install it ourselves. I will do it tomorrow after work

Sounds good. Should be easy enough

    Would you like to stat the new place tomorrow? Are you coming home tonight?

Not tonight, not sure about tomorrow night yet. Didn't get much time with roommate last night. Think I might

hang out tomorrow night as well with him.

   Sure. Which day you prefer for haircut

Don't matter

    她 zai 中 guo, 25th 回 lai

Going to China 25th return?

    She is in China, will be back on 25th

I was close :)


周三早上:Stay warm enough last night? More cold!

    Yes I stayed home last night. Cozy



晚上搬去新址,離他公司很近,發微信給他:Feeling like we are so close :-)

他沒明白我為什麽這麽說, 回複我:Tomorrow we will be baby, but enjoy that feeling now

    :-) Left work already?

No not yet. Trying to get caught up tonight

    Supper together?

Sorry I promised my friend I'd have supper with him tonight


Tomorrow we can do the hot pot I have that groupon for. Or we can eat at home whatever you like


So the BP**** is closed for renovations





So did you want to go to **** for your birthday?

     Sounds great baby

Lounge or the dining room? Want the fireplace?

    Love the fireplace

Sat 6:30. They can't guarantee the fireplace but they have a note in for it


Hey I understand that :-)


周四,下班後忙著去 Shaw 取來線,又跑去買了個小購物車,再去搬電視和一些雜物過來,有點腳不沾


了主意,帶爸媽和 Y 一起去吃了川菜。還不錯,本來我打算買單的,他說:“我以為帶家人出來一起吃飯應

該我買單。” 我說:“是”,就讓他付了。



我說好累啊,要睡覺,問他昨天說的 Surprise 在哪裏,他看我興致不高,就回答說:“時間不合適,不能告


