有愛相伴的日子 20171024 周二羊肉串兒
文章來源: 如花美眷-012017-10-25 09:00:14


Enjoying some nice green tea

    Nice! Easy day today?

No, but not crazy either. Good for a Monday.

    Glad to hear that.

How is your day?

    I am very good. Going to make some tea for myself. Thanks for reminding me

Nice. Drinking a lot more tea lately. :-)



Good morning

    Good morning

How are you?

    I am happy

Nice! Going to be a nice day today. We should go for a walk after work

    Sounds great. You make me happier.

I'll leave work as soon as I can so we can have a good walk before dark.

    Okay, I'll be ready.



看完一集Dexter 。。。