有愛相伴的日子 20171001 周日他沒有過來
文章來源: 如花美眷-012017-10-03 09:24:57


Family is sick here. Maybe I should avoid you for this week to keep you and your parents safe?

    Are you okay? Are you staying home for this week?

I'm ok but I may get sick yet. No I'm coming up just want your parents to be safe.

    They will be okay. I don't think you will be sick again.

Well I can get more than one cold, or another one. It's pretty nasty. I'll miss you, but I don't want your parents to get sick. I think one week won't kill us, to keep you all safe.

    I missed you.

Me too. This is a chest cold. Everyone is constantly coughing.

8:31pm, 他微信電話我,說還是不過來了,我們很少通話,他說我的聲音簡直就是一個陌生人,問我我們在普吉島跳舞的酒吧叫什麽名字,又問我跳舞的時候對他喊的是什麽,好玩兒,我都答對了,其實應該逗逗他的。他跟我商量,下周日我們再見,然後他會多待一天,周五回去,再後麵一周他不回去,就是我們去看星星的周末了,他隻是為了安慰我才打電話過來的,通話時長17分鍾。

9:10pm, 他發來:"Have a good night baby."

    You too baby.