有愛相伴的日子 20170228 周二 I just sit here and look pretty?
文章來源: 如花美眷-012017-03-01 10:50:49

Think the fish can wait for tomorrow night? I am slammed at work and need a catch up time. If not I can work tomorrow night.

  Up to you baby, but I am going to cook the fish and shrimp tonight. I think it's better cook them earlier

Ok I'll come over after work and tomorrow night work late.


五點半他就過來了,我正一邊跟女兒通著電話,一邊手忙腳亂地準備炸魚。麵粉雞蛋泡打粉辣椒粉胡椒粉,又加了一罐啤酒,起泡而且脆,效果還真不錯。他穿著正裝,所以我沒有讓他幫忙,可是他總是在搗亂,從後麵抱著我,親親又親親。我把他攆到吧台那邊,他說:“I just sit here and look pretty?” 我笑了。