有愛相伴的日子 20151221 I'm more than just a pretty face
文章來源: 如花美眷-012015-12-21 12:18:30

  Husband takes his wife to a disco. There's a guy on the dancefloor giving it loads, break dancing, moon walking, back flips, the works. The wife turns to her husband and says, See that guy 25 years ago he proposed to me and I turned him down. Husband says, Looks like he's still f#####g celebrating.

Haha that's funny!


拉鬆搭在胸前的領帶和解開扣子的襯衫,讓他看起來好帥。我說他下巴上的酒窩Manly and cute,他知道我很喜歡他的酒窩。Please, I'm more than just a pretty face! 他看起來很想我,沒有來得及聊太多,就開始全身親了我個遍,用他的領帶假裝捆住我的雙手,說You are my prisoner. 等我禁不住想親他的時候,他就躲開,逗我好幾次,壞蛋!進入.....給我高潮,怕我受不了更多,就退出來了。後來我也照顧一下他。愉快地聊了一會兒新年我們倆將要怎樣度過。