文章來源: 思念青荷2023-06-12 08:04:17



Due to differences of political convictions, religious beliefs, and cultural traditions, the Republic of Yugoslavia broke up in 1991, as Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia fought for autonomy and independence. Under Milosevic's rule, Serbian military and paramilitary forces carried out a carefully planned "ethnic cleansing" in Bosnia and Kosovo that claimed at least two hundred thousand lives. Not since the Nuremberg trials five decades before had there been such urgent calls to bring war criminals to justice. 

Under the authority of the United Nations, detective and forensics expert Dr. Henry Lee, at the invitation of his student Dr. Dragan Primorac, formed a "United Nations Investigative Team," which with Dr. Michael Baden, Dr. Cyril Wecht, and other experts traveled to Croatia to investigate a "mass grave" -- to find the truth behind the brutal murders of the people there. This investigation would not only determine whether the war criminals who led these massacres could be brought to the International Court of Justice to pay for their crimes, giving justice to their victims; it would also address the problem of training a new generation of forensic scientists in a post-war Croatia.

作者簡介:蔣霞萍,1956年出生於中華人民共和國江蘇省揚州市。 著有電視文學劇本《鳳凰涅槃》 長篇小說《情歸何處》 短篇小說、散文集《船上人家》 神探李昌鈺探案係列—《克羅地亞槍聲》 報告文學《如皋—尋找1939.5.25》等作品。

南京大學亞洲影視與傳媒研究中心 創作部副主任,美國紐海文大學李昌鈺鑒識中心講師,香港嘉迪集團有限公司董事長  

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