《來時的路》(中英文混合版) 3.15 致天使
文章來源: 奧吉2015-05-25 19:35:34

3.15    致天使

“Yitian, I am wondering if you can help me, just for 3 weeks, while I am gone. I hope I am not asking for too much.”Bernard 在電話裏問程弈田。他不喜歡用MSN,即便是有這個那個優點,那個東西還是太浪費時間,打字再快也沒有說話快。

“I think so.”弈田很爽快就答應了,一來自己可以學一些東西;二來,Bernard馬上要去Cincinnati三個禮拜,他們做產品市場開拓谘詢的,一有重要項目基本上都是要一天工作16小時,也實在沒有辦法跟上這裏的進度。

“I am so grateful, thank you so much Yitian.”要是麵對麵,程弈田想,Bernard可能要很紳士地給她行脫帽禮。“Shall we meet one last time before I leave this late afternoon?”Bernard很不好意思地繼續問道。

“Sure. I can make the time this early Sunday afternoon. Where shall we meet?”

“We are actually in Jean Jacque's right now. Would you mind coming here?”不明就裏的Bernard想的是Jean Jacque這裏非常方便, 而且很多資料都在CEO的電腦裏,挪個窩不是那麽容易的事。

雖然不是那麽願意再一次那麽接近奚濤,為了另外三人的方便,程弈田還是說了句“See you in a bit then.”

“Great!”聽到了全部對話的Roy挺高興他又可以見到那個可愛的中國女孩,但他還真是有點納悶:去年,他就聽Jean Jacque說起過奚濤和弈田的關係;後來他以前實驗室的Maggie宣布跟奚濤訂婚,而且Maggie還跟大家說奚濤因為程弈田和Jean Jacque在談戀愛而跟弈田分手,選擇了跟她訂婚。雖然他看出Jean Jacque對弈田有好感,自己也覺得他們挺配,還想撮合他們,但是他沒有看出他倆有任何親密的聯係和舉動,而且Jean Jacque還一個勁地把程弈田往西部推。不管是不是真的,這會兒,弈田主動說去Jean Jacque那邊集合,她難道不尷尬嗎?要是碰到手挽著奚濤的Maggie,她該怎麽麵對?要麽,這個女孩徹頭徹尾地神經大條;要麽,她就是一個super girl, a strong one that no one can defeat.

BRJ成立一年半了,前期的工作也有了些起色:Jean Jacque這邊在山羊上的臨床試驗非常成功;Roy那邊在醫院銷試驗售渠道調研方麵有很好的進展;在Bernard這塊兒有兩個小天使投資人願意參與共同合作生產,甚至有一個還願意用他在中國的工廠來製造人造椎間盤的母材。正在這個要更多資金進行人類臨床,需要尋找更大的風險基金投資的檔口,如果沒有一個好的品牌,一個亮出來就能顯出自己特色的名字,做海量的presentation的時候,賣點就不能那麽吸引人。

“We need a brand name for the product, and we don't really have a good name yet.”Bernard顯得有些著急。

“How about Movaback?”程弈田坐在綠色蘭鈴沙發上,雙手嵌在大腿和沙發中間,隨意地問其他三人道。

“I like it! Thank you Yitian, movable back?”尹伯文坐在他的電腦桌旁,一拍桌子大聲叫好,“Well, can you believe, I was thinking about this name too!”

“Yeah, bullshit, don't steal her idea, ok?”Roy手裏拿著剛從飲水機裏接的純淨水,拍了拍尹伯文的肩,“Dude, you pushed the most brilliant girl away to the west!”

“Hey, she can help your dad to expand his ramen business too, Roy!”程弈田發現,隻要有Roy和尹伯文的地方,類似的調侃就不可能停止。

“Honestly, Yitian, I love the name too! It's exactly how I am selling it every day! I keep telling people that once you use this intervertebral disk, you don't have to fuse your two bones, and you still get to keep the flexibility! God damn, I can never think about this name!”說著,又走過去盛了一杯水,遞給弈田,“Cheers”Roy又跟弈田來了個幹杯動作。

“Wonderful, Yitian. Document it in the log, let me see”Bernard抬起手腕,看看表,說,“It’s March 5th. Yeah, in the future, when we publish our history in Wall street, we will list this as one of our Company Events, the birth of Movaback!”

“What's your plan to get the investment we need?”程弈田已然把自己看成是BRJ的第一個正式雇員了,說話中的你們成了我們

“We are going to a business plan competition in MIT later this year, and before that we are going to present in a world Back Conference in Seattle.”尹伯文說,“We did not do well in the business plan competition last year in Harvard. We were too new and I did not have a good understanding what it takes to bring up a successful startup. The only thing I realized back then was I need tons of money.”

“And this dumb guy sold his car for cheap, yeah, that 7000 dollars will help!”Roy接著尹伯文的話說下去,發現自己可能要引出不必要提起的人的名字,轉過話題來,“Jean Jacque is going to the 800 some birthday of his high school to beg for money, right?”

“Yeah,他們是大拿,不知道他哪裏學來這個說法,“One guy is the CEO of Total, one of the biggest companies in the world. He graduated from the same high school as I did. You know what? He has back pain!”wow,市場消息很豐富嘛。尹伯文有點像北京天橋的說書人,“He has a special standing desk in his office and a high end massage chair. Poor guy, he can't work on this laptop when he is lying down on his massage chair, and he can't support his big belly by standing up. His knees hurt.”頓了一下,好似抖好了包袱,向四座一望,接著說,“You know what, I signed up for the parachute show that day, and I am going to land right beside him. Like an angel, nah, I am going to wear wings, you know those kinds of birthday wings, I will tell him that Movaback is going to save his back!”

好!程弈田舉起剛才Roy給的塑料水杯,“To the Angel!”
