Andrew Yang 專欄 (一)
文章來源: 大叔一枚2019-08-02 10:04:52

Everything Andrew Yang Said at the Second Democratic Debate in Detroit 7/31/2019

Over $500k raised from over 20,000 donors since last night’s debate. From Twitter #AndrewYang

2020總統候選人Andrew Yang的才智驚動美國 by陌上美國 (裏麵有詳盡的介紹)

Andrew Yang 三大政策(競選官網)

Joe Rogan Experience #1245 - Andrew Yang (2/12/2019, 3.3m viewers)
Yearning for More Yang (紐約時報意見欄8/1/2019)
8/2/2019 接受CNN Chris Cuomo采訪。關於氣候變化,楊出現了第一個短板。基本上他認為我們現在已經太晚了,50年後格林蘭島的冰會全化掉,老百姓以後盡量往高處走。他的這個反應too down to facts,要嚇壞絕大多數美國人。第二次辯論之後已經有幾篇文章出來指責他在氣候變化上的態度。 



錄音,聽的人不多,27K, 1.3K liked. It was quite enjoyable listening. 中間談到和Joe Biden的一段對話。Joe聽起來想把楊攬到手下,但楊好像不是很感興趣。

Why Andrew Yang Matters (蓮盆籽提供)

A utopian idea whose time may finally have arrived (4/15/2017 Time)  (關於UBI)

What if the Government Gave Everyone a Paycheck? (7/9/2018 NYTimes) (另一篇關於UBI)

Andrew Yang is among top 3 Democratic presidential candidates — based on new web traffic data 7/30/2019 
Andrew Yang hits Condescending Chris Christie with MATH (好玩的)

Andrew Yang's Strongest Debate Moment; "We Redefine Economic Progress" 


9 Candidates Now Qualify For The September Democratic Primary Debate


Roy Wood Jr. and Ronny Chieng on Cory Booker’s “Kool-Aid” Put-Down - This Week at the Comedy Cellar 一個好玩的視頻

CNN Debates Are 100% Rigged - Andrew Yang (一個看起來很舒服的采訪。裏麵談到辯論會幕後的一些花絮。)


Presidential candidate Andrew Yang breaks down over gun violence?



Universal Basic Income Explained – Free Money for Everybody? UBI (這個10分鍾視頻比較客觀地介紹了UBI。)

‘I Came From the Internet’: Inside Andrew Yang’s Wild Ride (7/19/2019) 


Bernie Sanders vs Andrew Yang 這是早期(三四月份)的討論,基本觀點:1. Andrew 關於經濟的觀點比Bernie要合理更有針對性。2. Bernie三年前發起了一場觀念上的革命,但他已經完成了他的曆史使命。3. Bernie自1991年以來在議會工作,他基本上沒有有分量的提案通過,基本沒有太大影響。所以他領導全國的能力存疑。4. 川粉會給楊選票,但絕不可能去選Bernie。

"I received $1,300/mo in Universal Basic Income (UBI) for 2 years & this is what happened. After receiving a medical discharge from the United States Air Force, I was designated a "Disabled Veteran" and now receive about $1,300 a month in disability from the Veterans Administration. This amount is very similar to the $1,000 a month in Universal Basic Income Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang purposes to give to every American citizen. This money has helped my family and I significantly. This idea of a UBI is also supported by Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk. "

Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend

Andrew Yang CNN Climate Crisis Town Hall | Full Video

Andrew Yang on WBUR. Many new points. The first question was tough.