家園花集 昆士蘭瓦惹塔
文章來源: 海尾歸2016-02-14 15:23:50

前文是家裏園子裏有的幾款灌木.這次介紹園子裏的一款隻有澳大利亞東南部有的樹種,英文叫Queensland Waratah(昆士蘭瓦惹塔),才搬來這裏住的時候,整院子,在當地的花園店見到這株樹,還不到一人高.因為喜歡它幼葉子和北半球的橡樹葉子的開裂很相似,就買來種上了.







Alloxylon flammeum, commonly known as the Queensland tree waratah or red silky oak, is a medium-sized tree of the family Proteaceae found in the Queensland tropical rain forests of northeastern Australia. It has shiny green elliptical leaves up to 18 cm (7.2 in) long, and prominent orange-red inflorescences that appear from August to October, followed by rectangular woody seed pods that ripen in February and March. Juvenile plants have large (up to 25 cm (10 in) long) deeply lobed pinnate leaves. Previously known as Oreocallis wickhamii, the initial specimen turned out to be a different species to the one cultivated and hence a new scientific name was required. Described formally by Peter Weston and Mike Crisp in 1991, A. flammeum was designated the type species of the genus Alloxylon. This genus contains the four species previously classified in Oreocallis that are found in Australasia.



I look forward to it!