睜一隻眼閉一隻眼(42) 婚戀deadlock
文章來源: 卜蘭子2015-07-06 14:47:29


“This morning I prayed to God to send the right woman to me. When I met you at the garden store, I believed that God had answered my prayer. You can't be married. I have known you for three years and you never bring a husband to the company party. And I never saw you wear a wedding ring! Are you really married?”

胡愛萍點點頭說,“Our culture does not wear a wedding ring. I do housework and dishes all the time and it is troublesome for me to wear it."

Ken接著說,“But where is your husband? Are you guys separated? You just said that you live here with your son.”(可是你丈夫在哪兒呢?你們分居了嗎?你剛剛還說隻有你和你兒子住這裏)

“Yes, we are separated. But we are separated not because we are on the way toward divorce as most Americans are. We are separated temperarily because my husband wants to fulfill his dream.”(我們是在分居。但是我們分居不是因為我們要離婚,像多數美國人那樣。我們暫時分開是因為我丈夫想要實現他的夢想)

“What kind of dream is this? Does he have to fulfill this dream by not living together with you?”

“Yes, he is in China starting a new business.”

“You are from China too, why are you not going with him? ”

“I am staying here as his backup. Chinese high school education is terrible and kids suffer from the pressure of the competition to go to college. I want my son to enjoy the nice education here. I might go back to China after my son goes to college.”

“I know this is your family business, but is your husband's business dream more important than life itself? ”

“You don't understand, Ken, because you grew up here. You never have to suffer to survive. We are different. We could struggle for years just to get the green card or citizenship that you guys were born with. So with this in mind, we have the stronger desire to be successful so that we don't have to suffer in the future.”

"Are other Chinese couple separated too? "

"Some are and some are not. I know many couples chose to be separated because they could not find jobs in the same place or the husband went back to China to start his own business. This is kind of like Chinese style marriage, I guess. Now what about you? What happened to you and your wife?

"My wife, I mean my ex, cheated on me, I forgave her once, but she was not willing to stop seeing him. So we had to give up our marriage of 20 years."

"20 years of marriage! That is hard to give up, isn't it?"

"Of course it is! The first time when I went back to my previous house (she lives there now) to pick up my son, I ran into tears on the drive way. Aiping, if you are single, I would love to have serious relationship with you, but now I can't mess up with a married woman, I just can't. I am sorry."

"No need to say sorry. Nothing has happened between us and nothing will happen in the future too. "

“I need to pick up my son now. Thank you very much for your help."

"It is my pleasure and thank you for the delicious dinner too."


“I hope you work out with your husband nicely, but in case something happens between you guys in the future, can you give me a chance to ask you out?"

胡愛萍以前從來沒想過和老外約會的可能性,她突然想起Ken隻有一個當地Community College(社科學院)的學位。這在中國相當於中專頂多大專學曆。而自己周圍的中國男人,90%以上都有博士學位。受教育程度反差實在太大了。她猶豫了一下說,

“I am afraid there is no such a chance for you because I would never give up my husband unless I find another man who is willing to marry me. I am just like a little child holding a lollipop in my hand. I would not let the lollipop go unless somebody offers me a piece of chocolate.”

Ken聳了聳肩膀,說,“But I would never date a woman if she is not divorced yet."


“I don't want to take the risk of being single for ever if I get divorced. A man is better than nothing.
(可是如果我離了婚,再找不到能和我結婚的人怎麽辦 ?我可不想一輩子單身。有個男人總比沒有強。)”

“So we are just like two kids playing a game. The little girl says, give me your chocolate and I will throw away the lollipop. The little boys says you throw away the lollipop first and I will give you the chocolate. Oh yes! This is just like the deadlock problem in computer operating system, isn't it?”


“ken, you are very smart and have good sense of humor. "胡愛萍讚歎道。

"When deadlock happens in operating system, one process needs to be killed to release the resource that the other process is waiting for. This means your marriage needs to end in order for us to continue."

"I don't think I want to continue with you. We'd better prevent the deadlock from happening, which means I would never divorce my husband and you continue your life with another woman. We don't have to wait for each other as resources."

短暫的春天在不知不覺中悄悄地流逝著。一個星期六的早上,任馨坐在星巴克咖啡館裏,她要了一杯Cappuccino. 幾盞紅色的小吊燈從屋頂垂下來,柔和的燈光灑在咖啡色的牆壁上。任馨坐在靠窗的座位上,望著窗外。在這樣溫馨浪漫的環境中和他約會,對她來說還是人生第一次。錯過的實在太多了,現在想補救已經太晚了。任馨歎了一口氣後,吹了一下浮在咖啡表麵的白色泡沫。不經意抬頭間,她看到窗外他的身影。她好像很久沒有仔細看過他。她注意到他似乎有幾分滄桑。他匆匆地走進咖啡館,遠遠地和任馨揮揮手,便來到了她的身旁。


