Shakin Stevens - Because I Love You
文章來源: 此惡要吾持久2015-07-13 13:27:55

Because I love you 是Shakin Stevens 在1986年為“走出非洲”唱的主題曲。當時已是巨星的Shakin Stevens以這首動聽情歌再次轟動了整個歐美,紅遍海內外。也徹底擄獲了二哥的心。時至今日,仍是二哥曲庫的首選,不為別的, 隻為了那一聲無法抗拒,情深意切的: because I love you!
這首歌旋律優美,起伏跌宕,情調優雅浪漫,平凡中透出深情。第一樂句從低平到揚抑,把聽眾的注意力一瞬間吸引住。接著重複第一樂句,喚醒了人們,使之進入感情的品味之中。藍調的薩克斯把對愛情無法確定的憂傷徹底擴散, 溫柔的 I love you反差著強烈的鼓聲堅定, 不停地敲擊著你的心扉, 一句簡單無比的“我愛你”在Shakin Stevens 的演繹下,散發出無窮的韻味和魅力......
音樂和詩歌都是寄托思想的載體,同時也是釋放情緒的載體。那就讓我們聽吧, 盡情地聽吧。
Because I love you

If I got down on my knees and I'm here with you,
If I crossed a million oceans just to be with you,
Would you ever let me down?
If I climbed the highest mountain just to hold you tight,
If I said that I would love you every single night,
Would you ever let me down?
Well, I'm sorry it sounds a kind of sad just there worry,
I'm so worry that you'll let me down.
Because I love you, love you, love you,
So don't let me down.
If I swam along this river just to call your name,
If I said I will be for you will never change,
Would you ever fool around?
Well, I'm sorry it sounds a kind of sad just there worry,
That's a worry that you'll let me down.
Because I love you, love you,
I love you, love you, love you....