文章來源: 笨狼2016-04-10 17:45:48

今年地方債券規模預計膨脹近半 利率上行壓力增大
《彭博》It's Never Been This Hard for Chinese Debtors to Pay Interest

At Tampa Bay farm-to-table restaurants, you’re being fed fiction


















《彭博》The Party's Over


Even Goldman Says OPEC Doha Meeting Will Be A Dud: "Don't Expect A Bullish Surprise"




瑞信的參數體現了大家憂慮重重,買保險(看跌期權,Put Option)的居多,不過從市場波動率(VIX)來看,毫無“恐懼”的跡象:





《彭博》U.S. Braces for Worst Earnings Season Since 2009 Crisis: Chart


Why Earnings Season Might Be as Bad as Expected
Here’s a Sign Corporate Earnings Could Be Bottoming
《路透社》Weak U.S. earnings expectations set stage for stock gains
Opinion: An earnings recession can actually help stocks rise
Why the worst earnings quarter since 2009 may be a good thing
《商業有線電視CNBC》Earnings decline may not mean bad news for stocks
美銀美林內部客戶也是極端悲觀:BAML: Everyone is way too bearish
Screen Shot 2016 04 11 at 7.54.11 AM

BofA Warns "Europe Looks Frightening" - Trades Like 2001, 2008
"This Is Where The Good News Ends" - JPM Says All Margin Subcomponents Are Rolling Over
Deutsche Bank Says World "Past The Point Of No Return" In The Default Cycle
What The Charts Say: 15 "Risks" To The Recent Rally
Market’s Hanging On Every Word! 04-08-16

Facebook, Inc.'s User Engagement Appears to Be Peaking    

美國小業主行會叫NFIB(National Federation of Small Business)信心3月還是不妙,有跌破經濟蕭條界線的意味:




今年三月《金融時報》有一部中國經濟概論的專欄,起了個嚇唬人的標題叫做“中國奇跡的尾聲(The end of the Chinese miracle)”,描述了中國經濟崛起的奇跡,在城鄉大移民、城市化這一宏大的背景下以“廉價勞動力”為基礎的經濟發展模式走到了盡頭,除了信貸泛濫,產能過剩的,市場全麵通縮(deflation)外,中國經濟還進入了經濟學家們常說的“路易斯拐點”(Lewis Turning Point),就是說農村能提供的勞動力已經到了盡頭,沒法再城市化,給經濟不停滯的發展提供動力。


《經濟學人雜誌Growth and China》2013.01.31
China approaching the turning point








《國際貨幣基金組織論文》2013.01Chronicle of a Decline Foretold: Has China Reached the Lewis Turning Point?




《國際貨幣基金組織世界經濟展望2016.04》IMF WORLD ECONOMIC OUTLOOK (WEO):Too Slow for Too Long
《彭博》IMF Warns of Global Stagnation as It Cuts Growth Outlook Again

參見:IMF警告全球經濟增長停滯:中國是唯一亮點 最不看好日本

  • 下調美國和歐元區今年經濟增速0.2個百分點至2.4%和1.5%
  • 最不看好日本——腰斬日本經濟增速預期至0.5%,認為日本經濟明年將萎縮0.1%。
  • 上調了中國今明兩年經濟增長預期各0.2%

《第一財經》IMF上調中國2016年經濟增速至6.5% 下調全球
IMF cuts global growth outlook again, warns of political risks
TIMF cuts global economic forecast, again
IMF says 'very real' Brexit risk could deal blow to world economy

China's economic fix a millstone for world trade-IMF
U.S. to push G20, IMF members on currency, infrastructure issues
國際貨幣基金組織首席經濟學家Maurice Obstfeld的評論:Global Growth: Too Slow for Too Long
《華爾街日報網文》BlackRock’s Larry Fink Strikes Pessimistic Tone on Global Economy in Letter
The world's largest investor says negative rates are breeding a disaster for the economy


《華郵》China is the only emerging market that matters


《第一財經》一季度經濟溫和複蘇 總理強調就業穩金融穩



中央財政預算8.5萬億 這筆錢該怎麽花?





China’s ‘migrant miracle’ nears an end as cheap labour dwindles
(中文版:當中國遭遇“劉易斯拐點”)Flow of rural labour that powered three-decade boom is petering out
May 4, 2015, Gabriel Wildau in Shanghai

China’s labour force is shrinking and the “migrant miracle” that powered its industrial rise is mostly exhausted, removing the factors that propelled the country’s meteoric development, according to leading economists.

The transformation will lead to slower growth, reduced investment and a loss of export competitiveness, they warn, increasing the urgency of implementing ambitious economic reforms aimed at finding new sources of expansion.

Today the Financial Times begins a series of articles on the end of the migrant miracle — the three decades of breakneck economic growth fuelled by the unprecedented migration of labour from the unproductive farm sector to work in factories and on construction sites.

Broad consensus has emerged that China has reached its “Lewis Turning Point” — the point at which the once-inexhaustible pool of surplus rural labour dries up and wages rise rapidly. Nobel-prize winning economist Arthur Lewis argued in the 1950s that a developing country with surplus agricultural labour could develop its industrial sector for years without wage inflation as it absorbed that surplus.

“Now we are at the so-called Lewis inflection point. I made this forecast in 2006, and today there is no need to change it,” said Ha Jiming, chief investment strategist for private wealth management at Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong and formerly chief economist at China International Capital Corp, the country's first Sino-foreign joint venture investment bank.

“The working-age share of China’s population peaks this year at 72 per cent, then it will start to fall rapidly, even more rapidly than what we saw in Japan in the 1990s,” he added.

Cai Fang, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a think-tank that advises the government, estimates that China’s potential gross domestic product growth decreased from 9.8 per cent in 1995-2009 to 7.2 per cent in 2011-15 and 6.1 per cent from 2016-20.

A shrinking labour force is one of the main drivers. Since Deng Xiaoping launched market reforms in 1978, 278m migrant workers from rural villages have moved to work in the cities.

But reallocating labour from farm to factory — resulting in higher overall growth as workers’ productivity soars — is now mostly complete.

“From 2005 to 2010, the growth rate of migrant workers was 4 per cent. Last year it was only 1.3 per cent. Maybe this year it will contract,” said Mr Cai.

China faces the more difficult task of raising productivity within the urban sector through improved capital allocation, technology and management acumen.

The second trend is an ageing population and the effects of the one-child policy, which has started to influence the number of young workers entering the labour force. As in developed countries such as Germany and Japan, the ranks of the elderly are rising. Ma Jiantang, director of China’s National Bureau of Statistics, said the population aged 15 to 60 peaked in 2011.

“The excess rural surplus labour is nearly exhausted — China is reaching its Lewis Turning Point,” the World Bank said last year.

Economists debate the precise date of the turning point based on inconsistent data and contrasting theoretical models. Some say that due to varying regional labour market conditions, it is more precise to speak of a “turning period” rather than a single point. But the basic measure is not in doubt.

“The fact that we have now passed the Lewis Turning Point is 100 per cent,” said Ross Garnaut, an economist at Australian National University and co-editor of a collection of papers on China.





全國公共廣播電台(National Public Radio,NPR)

全國廣播公司(National Broadcasting Company,NBC)2014.09.07

福斯新聞電視台(FOX News)



征服全球的卡夫(Kraft)費城牌奶油奶酪(Cream Cheese)

Philadelphia Original


Philadelphia 1/3 less fat


Philadelphia Fat Free


Philadelphia Whipped


Philadelphia Flavors




New York Cheesecake

1929 - Arnold Reuben, owner of the legendary Turf Restaurant at 49th and Broadway in New York City, claimed that his family developed the first cream-cheese cake recipe. Other bakeries relied on cottage cheese. According to legend, he was served a cheese pie in a private home, and he fell in love with the dessert. Using his hostess’ recipe and a pie she made with ingredients he provided, he then began to develop his own recipe for the perfect cheesecake. Reuben soon began to serve his new recipe in his Turf Restaurant, and the cheesecake quickly became very popular with the people who frequented Reuben’s Broadway restaurant.
New York-Style Cheesecake



(民主黨總統競選人)閑得死(Bernie Sanders)有許多吸引選民的“革命性的”提議,其中之一是免費大學。從下麵形象的的統計可以意識到大家為什麽覺得這是個問題:

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments

  • $1.2 trillion student-loan
  • 43% of the roughly 22 million Americans with federal student loans weren’t making payments as of Jan. 1

(美國)學生債總數目過1萬2千億,超過了信用卡債,人均35000美元(據此文,“That number jumps to $51,000 for a master’s degree, $71,000 for a Ph.D. and $207,000 for medical school”)。經濟學家把學生債居高認作是美國經濟的一大障礙,青年人不願意、沒能力成家(生孩子)購房,經濟發展就少了個重要的推力。當然了,學生債隻是美國社會的一個縮影,據蓋勒普調查:
Americans Are Buried Under a Mountain of Debt









《路透社》Millennials face debt - and denial
《彭博》Can You Use Student Loans to Go on Spring Break?
"To me, it's not the proper use, but taxpayers aren’t necessarily being ripped off by a small number of students who are mismanaging their money," Draeger said of students who use loans for vacations. "Federal loans and private education loans get repaid. I’m not saying it’s not a problem, but if we overreact to the problem, I’m not sure we create any real solutions. The whole idea of student aid is to get people who would otherwise not have attended into college. If we put too many barriers up, we squeeze out those at-risk, on-the-fringe students."

As a senior, Almon was given a loan check of $1,500. He took a third of it and planned a spring break vacation.
"When I got out of school, those first couple years, working and paying down those student loans...it was kind of painful," he said. "Even though I was making some sacrifices to pay that money back, I do not for one second regret that money I spent to go to Cancún."

《公共電視台晚間新聞》NYC community colleges invest in student support to boost grad rates

《華爾街日報》Bernie Sanders and the Soak-the-Rich Myth
《全國公共電台NPR(Natiohnal Public Radio)》芝加哥大學經濟學家評判
Economists On Candidates' Proposals: Mostly Bad


