文章來源: 天方化戟2014-09-21 19:53:20
Thereupon the third King of "Aquilon" [the North], hearing the lament of the people of his principal title, will raise a very mighty army and, defying the tradition of his predecessors, will put almost everything back in its proper place, and the great Vicar of the hood will be put back in his former state. But desolated, and then abandoned by all, he will turn to find the Holy of Holies destroyed by paganism, and the old and new Testaments thrown out and burned.
我相信我對前一部分的翻譯是很接近真相的,但是的確對『Vicar of the hood』缺乏信心。有英文好的童鞋幫忙翻譯一下?