Jamie Foxx談運動順序等
文章來源: 昊源媽2021-10-22 19:46:24


今天要介紹的人是好萊塢的演員Jamie Foxx

傑米·福克斯身兼數職:奧斯卡獲獎演員、格萊美獎獲獎音樂家、著名的脫口秀、即興喜劇演員。今天學到了兩點。一是他早晨習慣(Morning Routine),另外一個是穿越時空,會對20歲、30歲、40歲的自己說些什麽呢?


Tim Ferriss: What does the first 60 minutes of your day look like? Do you have

any morning routines that are important to you? 你每天的前60分鍾是什麽樣的?有沒有什麽對你來說特別重要的早晨必辦?

Morning routines? I wake up, I text the people that I dig and love, I just send them encouraging, I want to let them know I'm thinking about them,

On the physical part, I get my 50 pull-ups in, 100 sit-ups, maybe 100 crunches and it is easy. I used to not be able to do it. And you don’t have to do it every single day;you could do it every other day.




What advice you would give to yourself at three different ages: 20, 30 and 40?

Man, put the condom on. Shit. Stop playing around.

planning for your future. And not only is it gonna go fast, but don’t spend all your money. Don’t buy the jacket in the price of $12,000.

You can always live your life 100 percent for you, but now that you have your kids and they’re  at a certain age, it is gotta be 30 to 40 percent you, 60 to 70percent for them.

如果現在麵前站著三個不同年齡的自己(20、30 和 40), 你會給自己一些什麽建議?


