Ramit Sethi 教你怎麽花錢
文章來源: 昊源媽2021-10-20 23:48:13


我現在終於買上了IPad Pro,最近,在我學習的時間,我總喜歡打開Ipad聽些音樂。但幾周前,我一直在為是否要買而苦苦思索,因為我的研究室裏有兩台電腦,一個手提式電腦。但花了這麽長時間考慮,從時間成本來說,實在是太不合算。現在我覺得很是滿足。這個生活中小小的插曲,讓我想到了Ramit Sethi。

Ramit Sethi是《紐約時報》暢銷書《我會教你致富》的作者,他主要教別人轉換思維,學習花錢和賺錢。以下內容是他和Tim 在談話時的一些截取片段:

Tim: Mr. Sethi, not mine. However, let’s come to the questions. What types of questions, what are some specific questions you like to ask or that people can ask each other, or in the context of a therapy session that they might use that you found useful?

Ramit Sethi: First question I always start with is, “In the last 30 days, can you think of a specific situation where you were not on the same page financially with your partner?” 

the next question I ask, as I get into it, I’ll ask them, “What is your rich life?” Now, this is a concept that I’ve been talking about for about 15, 20 years on my site, and that is the idea that you don’t have to cut back on lattes, life isn’t about competing, who can be more frugal, there’s more to life than optimizing cell C3 of your spreadsheet, but I want to hear people talk about what their rich life is. I had a young woman whose rich life was, “I want to shop at Whole Foods without counting the prices of whatever I buy.” Okay, that’s fine if you’re just starting out, maybe you’re in $25,000 of debt. She was professionally extremely successful, so with that, I kind of push her. I say, “Okay, let’s say you could do that tomorrow. How much would your shopping cart cost?” 

She said, “Ah, like $100.” 

I said, “Push it. Get something really nice.” 


I said, “You make X hundred thousand dollars a year. Let’s dream a little bigger,”


Tim Ferriss: Yeah. Let’s come back to rich life. When you ask someone about their rich life, what their rich life looks like。 What would be your answer? How would you personally answer that? 

讓我們回到富裕生活這一主題。當你問他們富裕生活是什麽樣的,請你給我們再舉了個例子, 對於這個問題,你個人會如何回答? 

Ramit Sethi: I would say that I want to travel for six to eight weeks, six weeks consecutively at the end of the year. When I fly, I want to fly in this exact airline seat, and when I travel, I want to stay at these three different hotels, and I want to bring one or more family members with me when I travel, and cost is not the first, second, or third issue when I take these trips. That’s an example. Another example would be I don’t want to start working until 10:00 a.m. every day. That could be an example.


另一個例子是我不想在上午 10:00 之前開始工作。

So here’s the challenge. In the next 48 hours, I want you to spend $100 on something you love. You cannot spend it on kids, you cannot spend it on pets, and you cannot spend it on charities. It has to be on you

I think the developing competency and comfort with translating dollars into value, whether that is through investing or spending, which is oftentimes another type of investing, I think is a skill that you develop. I don’t think anyone has it innately. 

在接下來的 48 小時內,我希望你花 100 美元去買你喜歡的東西。你不能把它花在孩子身上,也不能把它花在寵物身上,更不需要花在慈善事業上。 很簡單,你就是把這些錢花在你自己身上。如果你覺得100美元太少的話,可以調整為500美元或者5000美元。


到了中年,如果您已經儲蓄和/或投資了一段時間,我相信你肯定已經擁有了一定數量的資金,該是時候想想怎麽智慧地用錢了。我們中的大多數人一生都隻專注於儲蓄。 我母親,今年82歲了,一名退休的老師,她常不舍得花錢,有時候為節省一丁點兒的出租車費,也會從姐姐家走著回去。


1. 手頭上留有一年的應急現金。

2. 我愛好旅遊,因此旅遊時,錢不是我需要考慮的問題。

3. 將月工資的15%存入銀行,15%投入股票。

4. 不管花多少在食品、健康以及孩子教育費用,永不質疑。