文章來源: 金書龍2004-12-03 22:08:22



小的時候家裏人就教導我受了別人的好處要說謝謝,後來長大了就比較喜歡說謝謝。當然家裏人也不願意我去接受人的好處,上小學時有次隨媽媽去機關,中午了媽媽還沒回來,就有好心的阿姨帶我去吃了飯,很清楚的記得當時吃的是紅燒帶魚還吃的很香。媽媽回來後變的很煩燥,當眾暴打了我一頓,大約是覺的我丟了她的麵子。從此我就很少求人了,說感謝的機會也越來越少,當然我是有些哥們兒的,但哥們兒就是哥們兒是從來無需說感謝的。到了米國,天天白天要說thank you,晚上可能暗地罵罵fcuk you, 真正用到appreciate的時候也不多。日子久了,我也就漸漸淡忘了感謝的含意了。












It’s an honor of mine to be firstly encouraged from you firmly.

Actually, most of my posts, with music embedded, were made using HTML and, sometimes, Applet. In this case, audience need computers with sufficient space, enough installed software, and extensive band-width to open files. If audience install firewall in their computers, or dial to connect the internet via phone-line, or don’t install the necessary software, they may not open the files, or open them sluggishly. Therefore, my audience would be limited.

When I read “感謝”in your BLOG at the first time, I just wanted to laugh. A word came up in my mind “吐啊吐的, 就習慣了”. You would be a leader of flattering, arguing, and bragging in 70’s.

I'm just kidding. I’m glad to keep your eulogy in mind and re-fresh myself when disappointing with those against humanity, faltering in the faith, and frustrating from lose.

Thanks for your encouragement. I’m very pleased would you like me to compile articles with pictures and music. “繽紛色彩閃出的美麗,是因它沒有分開每種色彩”, right?

Also, if you like to give me gifts, anytime is ok, such as 3/8, 4/1, 5/1, 6/1, 7/1, 8/1, 10/1, and etc.

Greatly appreciate

Have brilliant years

天馬行空, 獨往獨來

*best wishes from bluehours*