文章來源: 264849152014-04-19 07:41:52
俺是理科背景,做過創新藥早期發現(R&D中的R),後期開發(R&D中的D),報批,生產與控製,售後不良反應監測等各 階段。與各國(包括中國)藥監局打過交道,了解中藥與西藥研發過程與審批要求的巨大差別。同時對中藥與西藥有長期的思考。




西醫的診斷嚴重依賴於醫療器械和檢驗。各種器械如聽診器,血壓計,心腦電圖,超聲波,X-光機,CT, MRI, 各種造影顯影胃鏡腸鏡喉鏡等等。各種化學與生化檢驗。手段層出不窮。

相對來說, 中醫的診斷手段就比較單一了:望聞問切。這一點,中醫不行。現在中醫院也有化驗,算是承認了西醫的優勢。學習借鑒是好事,但這個學習,是拿來與病人交流的。中醫自己用不上(見後)。

有了各種生化和物理指標,西醫還要確定病因。西醫師沒有疑難雜症一說的。不知道病因就隻能控製症狀。西醫診斷的依據是 ICD。

WHO | International Classification of Diseases (ICD)


World Health Organization

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the standard diagnostic tool for epidemiology, health management and clinical purposes.



“辨證”就是四診(望診、聞診、 問診、切診)所收集的資料、症狀和體征,通過分析、綜合,辨清疾病的病因、性質、部位,以及邪正之間的關係,概括、判斷為某種性質的證。論治,又稱為“施 治”,即根據辨證的結果,確定相應的治療方法。辨證是決定治療的前提和依據,論治是治療疾病的手段和方法。通過辨證論治的效果可以檢驗辨證論治的正確與 否。辨證論治的過程,就是認識疾病和解決疾病的過程。辨證和論治,是診治疾病過程中相互聯係不可分割的兩個方麵,是理論和實踐相結合的體現,是理法方藥在 臨床上的具體運用,是指導中醫臨床的基本原則。






(2) 看一個高血壓的例子




中醫怎麽看待呢?中醫對高血壓有不同的看法。在中醫學裏沒有高血壓這個名字,高血壓在中醫中可以被歸納在這麽幾個方麵:肝陽上亢,就是臨床表現頭暈目眩;痰淤互結,頭暈腦脹,四肢發麻,脾胃虛弱。這些都可以出現我們所說的高血壓的症狀。那麽中醫在治療高血壓上首先看什麽呢?臨床表現出的頭暈、心慌、手麻,甚至抽搐的 這些症狀,中醫就會分析你是什麽原因造成的。如果是肝陽上亢的話,就得用育陰潛陽的辦法,就是讓你的陰陽平衡起來,讓往上走的陽氣能夠降下來,從而達到治 療高血壓的目的。如果是脾胃虛弱,這時候肝陽上亢是一種現象,而脾胃虛弱是主要矛盾的時候,就要用益氣健脾的辦法。如果你吃得特別多,血脂特別稠,低壓特 別高,屬於痰淤互結的話,中醫就得用化痰祛淤的辦法。



(以下英文內容選自The Merck Manual Home Edition):



In most people, high blood pressure causes no symptoms, despite the coincidental occurrence of certain symptoms that are widely, but erroneously, attributed to high blood pressure: headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, a flushed face, and fatiguePeople with high blood pressure may have these symptoms, but the symptoms occur just as frequently in people with normal blood pressure.



Blood pressure is measured after a person sits or lies down for 5 minutes. It should be measured again after the person stands for a few minutes, especially if the person is older or has diabetes. A reading of 140/90 mm Hg or more is considered high, but a diagnosis cannot be based on a single high reading. Sometimes, even several high readings are not enough to make the diagnosis—because, for example, the readings may vary too much. If a person has an initial high reading, blood pressure is measured again during the same visit and then measured twice on at least two other days to make sure that the high blood pressure persists.

Classifying Blood Pressure in Adults

Blood pressure is classified by its severity because treatment is based, in part, on severity. When a person’s systolic and diastolic pressures fall into different categories, the higher category is used to classify blood pressure. For instance, 150/88 mm Hg is classified as stage 1 hypertension, and 150/105 mm Hg is classified as stage 2 hypertension.

The optimal blood pressure for minimizing the risk of cardiovascular problems (such as heart attack and heart failure) and stroke is below 115/75 mm Hg.


Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg)

Diastolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg)

Recommended Follow-up

Normal blood pressure

Below 120

Below 80

Blood pressure is rechecked in 2 years.




Blood pressure is rechecked in 1 year, and advice about lifestyle changes is provided.

Stage 1 hypertension



The high blood pressure is confirmed within 2 months, and advice about lifestyle changes is provided.

Stage 2 hypertension

Above 160

Above 100

The person is evaluated or referred to a health care provider within 1 month. For people with very high pressures (such as 180/110 mm Hg or higher), evaluation or treatment is immediate or within 1 week, depending on the person’s condition.


Regulating Blood Pressure: The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System

The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is a series of reactions designed to help regulate blood pressure.

  1. When blood pressure falls (for systolic, to 100 mm Hg or lower), the kidneys release the enzyme renin into the bloodstream.

  2. Renin splits angiotensinogen, a large protein that circulates in the bloodstream, into pieces. One piece is angiotensin I.

  3. Angiotensin I, which is relatively inactive, is split into pieces by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). One piece is angiotensin II, a hormone, which is very active.

  4. Angiotensin II causes the muscular walls of small arteries (arterioles) to constrict, increasing blood pressure. Angiotensin II also triggers the release of the hormone aldosterone from the adrenal glands and antidiuretic hormone from the pituitary gland.

  5. Aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone cause the kidneys to retain salt (sodium). Aldosterone also causes the kidneys to excrete potassium. The increased sodium causes water to be retained, thus increasing blood volume and blood pressure.


